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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia


Power through power tools

A Women’s Shed that teaches women trades skills is flourishing in Orange, New South Wales. Women of all ages are learning trade skills and tool handling skills for the first time. One of them is Carmel Hanrahan, 72.

Woman on forklift
Lifting with Linfox

A partnership between Kensington Neighbourhood House and Linfox offers industry training and a pathway to better paid and more stable work. For process worker Abdulrahman the course has opened a door of opportunity.

Classroom to shelter

An innovative education program in domestic violence shelters in Adelaide’s western suburbs is helping women on the path to recovery, to make career plans, set goals and gain financial independence.

Cafe with a conscience

Hamlet Café is a not for profit social enterprise that aims to provide Tasmanians who have had trouble finding work with hands on training in hospitality skills, confidence and practical work experience.

Campaign for adult literacy

A whole-of-community adult literacy campaign based on a revolutionary Cuban education method is having life-changing results in Indigenous communities in outback NSW. Literacy for Life is a campaign, not a course.

Digital disadvantage

As digital technologies become increasingly central to the way we work, live and socialise the disadvantages of not being digitally connected increases. Australians unable to access digital technologies are increasingly being left behind.

On the road

A driver education course is helping Indigenous people in regional and rural NSW to get on the road. Getting a driver’s licence for indigenous Australians in remote and regional areas can be a real challenge.

Community learning champions
Learning champions

Community Learning Champions in inner Melbourne’s culturally and ethnically diverse neighbourhoods support and encourage friends, neighbours and peers to take up quality learning and employment opportunities.

The joy of wheels

Bike rider training for adults is flourishing in the municipality of Leichhardt in Sydney’s inner west. The Rusty Rider course for those aged 25 and over turns those who are wobbly on two wheels into confident cyclists.

Oz Harvest
Healthy food on a budget

Food rescue charity OzHarvest is running an education program for people on low incomes to learn how to cook healthy food on a budget. There’s laughter and chatter as people pass bowls and knives back and forth.

Devonport learning community
A community approach

Devonport Tasmania has launched a ‘Live & Learn’ Strategy to set a new direction for the city and establish a flourishing culture of lifelong learning. Devonport Mayor, Alderman Steve Martin wants his whole city to get excited about learning.

Disabled diving
Diving with a disability

A scuba diving training program is changing lives for people with disabilities who are swapping wheelchairs for water. Diving offers a sense of freedom and achievement that’s exhilirating and life changing.

Mental health first aid
First aid for mental health

Diamond Valley Learning Centre in Greensborough Victoria is running mental health first aid courses to help staff and students develop skills to identify and help others who are struggling emotionally.

ABC open make a difference
Opening doors to rural life

In small village halls, bush libraries and regional towns across Australia, ABC Open producers teach locals how to hone and share digital stories to share with a huge online community. It’s been a life changing experience for many.

Two hackers
Hands-on hackerspace

Hacker or makerspaces are the latest in a long tradition of community spaces that offer opportunities for informal learning. Inside a handful of members are working together and individually on a range of DIY projects.

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia