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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia


ABC open make a difference
Opening doors to rural life

In small village halls, bush libraries and regional towns across Australia, ABC Open producers teach locals how to hone and share digital stories to share with a huge online community. It’s been a life changing experience for many.

Two hackers
Hands-on hackerspace

Hacker or makerspaces are the latest in a long tradition of community spaces that offer opportunities for informal learning. Inside a handful of members are working together and individually on a range of DIY projects.

Human Library
Human library

The first Human Library in Australia – where you can ‘borrow’ people instead of books – is flourishing in Lismore, New South Wales. It has has proved a powerful way to break down prejudice and build empathy and compassion.

Women take the lead

WA has the greatest gender gap when it comes to adult learning with 36.5% of women compared to 45.8% of men involved in formal and non-formal learning. A new program is encouraging women to take up tutoring in community education.

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia