ALA webinar: Adult language learning through drama
‘Connected: Adult Language Learning through Drama’ (CALLD) is a Sydney Theatre program that combines drama approaches with English language learning for adult migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
ALA webinar: ‘Best-practice’ competency-based assessment
Back by popular demand, Chemène is returning to repeat her presentation on ‘Best-practice’ competency-based assessment. Suitable for New or experienced RTO assessors or managers of assessors. Description In this interactive […]
ALA webinar: Improving spelling: a strategic approach
Adult literacy learners often identify spelling as a problem. They see their poor spelling as evidence of deficient writing skills and lack of general English proficiency and, like it or not, we are judged on our spelling.
ALA webinar: Ngaju karna pina jarri wita-kari, wita-kari Warlpiri ’I am learning Warlpiri little by little’
In light of the International Year of Indigenous Languages, this webinar will focus on learning an Australian Indigenous language.
The action research boot camp part 1 – The foundations of action research
Action research is an approach that can help adult educators to improve their practice by understanding it better.
In this two-session boot camp, Bob Dick will lead us through the foundations of action research, as well as how to further improve action research.
The action research boot camp part 2 – Further improving the action and the research
Action research is an approach that can help adult educators to improve their practice by understanding it better.
In this two-session boot camp, Bob Dick will lead us through the foundations of action research, as well as how to further improve action research.
ALA Webinar: Developing a disability action plan for your organisation
About this session A disability action plan is a tool: a means of raising awareness and creating cultural change while ensuring that an organisation is addressing barriers to the inclusion […]
ALA LLN Webinar: Validation of ACSF assessment resources
This webinar is for adult language, literacy and numeracy practitioners to come together and look at aspects of quality assessment. It provides an excellent opportunity to gain external validation of […]
ALA Webinar: Adult Learning Principles in Practice
About this event Adults learn in significantly different ways to children and adolescents, yet many of the approaches that are commonly taken by educators are based on principles of child […]
ALA Webinar: How to embed foundation skills into VET
As a vocational trainer or training manager, you play a crucial role in the lives of the people you train. In this interactive workshop, we’ll discover how a focus on […]
ALA webinar: Social procurement – A great opportunity for new and existing social enterprises
About this event Social procurement is a rapidly emerging opportunity for social enterprises to start, grow and scale their businesses and their social impact. In 2017, Social Traders worked with […]
ALA LLN Webinar: Validation of ACSF assessment resources
This webinar is for adult language, literacy and numeracy practitioners to come together and look at aspects of quality assessment. It provides an excellent opportunity to gain external validation of […]
ALA webinar: Facilitation techniques that work in 21st century ACE learning environments
The learning landscape is changing. Whilst the principles of adult learning remain largely unchanged, the trainer’s role in helping people learn has evolved. In this interactive webinar we’ll share latest […]
ALA Webinar: ‘Best-practice’ competency-based assessment
In this interactive webinar we’ll cover key knowledge that assessors need to ensure that their assessment practice is of the highest-possible standard. We’ll help new entrants get ‘up to speed’ […]
ALA Webinar: Lifelong learning communities and cities
What is lifelong place-based learning and why is it important to our communities? Lifelong learning has been gaining momentum for many decades, but it suffers from an identity crisis. The […]