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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia


ALA Webinar: LLN for volunteer tutors

Supporting learners with low literacy is complex. It is not about using one simple approach or method. It is about working with enthusiasm, building relationships and having a handy toolkit […]

ALA LLN Webinar: Validation of ACSF assessment resources

This webinar is for adult language, literacy and numeracy practitioners to come together and look at aspects of quality assessment.  It provides an excellent opportunity to gain external validation of […]

ALA Webinar: LLN for volunteer tutors

Supporting learners with low literacy is complex. It is not about using one simple approach or method. It is about working with enthusiasm, building relationships and having a handy toolkit […]

Project Essentials: two critical elements for project management success

This webinar will look at the two main areas that make or break projects: 1) successful partnering 2) assessing and managing risk People are crucial – if they don’t work […]

Result-Based Accountability™ – Know the difference we make

Result-Based Accountability™ (RBA™) is a powerful planning, monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement framework that can be used to produce measurable results for communities and community programs. It is a disciplined […]

ALA LLN Webinar: Validation of ACSF assessment resources

This webinar is for adult language, literacy and numeracy practitioners to come together and look at aspects of quality assessment.  It provides an excellent opportunity to gain external validation of […]

Adult Learning Principles in Practice

Adult Learning Principles in Practice Adults learn in significantly different ways to children and adolescents, yet many of the approaches that are commonly taken by educators are based on principles […]

The Business Case for Social Media – why to dip your toe in, and how

Have you delved into the world of social media? Are you seeing the benefits? In this webinar we will cover the psychology of social media; what really makes it work […]

Bootcamp: Unlocking literacy

Rosalie ‘Rosie’ Martin is a clinical speech pathologist of more than 30 years experience, the past 18 of which have been in her Hobart-based private practice, Speech Pathology Tasmania. She […]

ALA LLN Webinar: Validation of ACSF assessment resources

This webinar is for language, literacy and numeracy practitioners to come together as a group to validate your assessment tasks and strategies to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). This […]

Result-Based Accountability™ – Know the difference we make

Result-Based Accountability™ (RBA™) is a powerful planning, monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement framework that can be used to produce measurable results for communities and community programs. It is a disciplined […]

ALA LLN Webinar: Validating your LLN resources to the ACSF

This webinar is an opportunity for language, literacy and numeracy practitioners to meet online to validate your LLN assessment strategies to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). The webinar format […]

Planned webinars for 2016

Full schedule of upcoming ALA and LLN webinars for 2016. Please note that there may yet be changes to the schedule. More detail about the individual sessions will be posted […]

ALA Webinar: Increasing the quality of assessment – understanding validation

Start the year with the perfect validation refresher. This webinar will go back to the basics of creating good quality assessments, covering: The difference between validation and moderation What information […]

ALA Webinar: Show me the money – winning grants applications

This webinar is for ACE Providers and practitioners looking for alternate revenue streams. Find out what’s out there and how it could fund your idea, by spending an hour with […]

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia