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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA forum: From LLN to Foundation Skills

Adult Learning Australia, in partnership with the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council (VALBEC), held a forum at the State Library of Victoria Conference Centre.

The forum explored different perspectives on national policy designed to improve adult literacy and numeracy. It also looked at the relationship between the foundation skills strategy, workforce participation, employability and the impact of low literacy on those outside of the mainstream economy.

From LLN to Foundation Skills program.


Dr Allie Clemans, Monash University – Foundation or fantasy? Foundation skills in context

Alec Wickerson, Department of Industry – Overview: Foundation Skills Strategy

Kate Perkins, ACER – Snapshot: Core Skills for Work

Dave Tout, ACER – Foundation Skills Assessment Tool


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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia