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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA webinar: Learning Resources – Adaptation and implementation to meet individual learner needs

About the session Rachel Leigh Taylor Rachel Leigh Taylor is an Educational Specialist with more than 25 years’ experience in tertiary and workplace-based education and training programs who specialises in […]

ALA webinar: Unlocking potential: Teaching Literacy for Adults with Disabilities

Presenter: TBC When: Wednesday 1st May 2024 @ 1pm AEST Duration: 1 hr This webinar will delve into effective teaching strategies tailored for the support of adult learners with disabilities. […]

ALA webinar: Culturally embedded numeracy

Presenter: TBC When: Wednesday 20th March 2024 @ 1pm AEDT Duration: 1 hr A thought-provoking webinar that will explore financial literacy programs through the lens of First Nations people, in […]

IWD Panel: Empowering Women through Literacy, Learning, and Inclusion

When: Wednesday 6th March 2024 @ 1pm AEDT Duration: 1 hr A stimulating and insightful panel discussion that will unravel the transformative power of literacy in empowering women and creating […]

ALA webinar: Learning Resources – Adaptation and implementation to meet individual learner needs

Presenter: Rachel Leigh Taylor When: Wednesday 28th February 2024 @ 1pm AEDT Duration: 1 hr This interactive webinar focuses on enhancing trainer understanding of key resource development techniques considerations.  This […]

New Special Edition of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning out now!

Take a look inside the Special Edition of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning. Volume 63, Number 3, November 2023 Editorial Cheryl Ryan and Stephen Billett Refereed articles Analysing work […]

Words for Change: Empowering Refugee and Asylum Seeker Women through literacy and learning

For our final session in the What Works series, Ros Bauer will be joined by Rahel, Louise, and Apeksha, who all work at the River Nile Learning Centre in North […]

Words for Change: Empowering Refugee and Asylum Seeker Women through literacy and learning

This session will focus on exploring ways to engage with and support language and literacy development among current and past refugee and asylum seeker women including some women who are […]

ALA webinar: Building Inclusive and Sustainable Learning Partnerships

Background Place-based learning city frameworks founded on lifelong learning and the concept of a learning society have immense potential to address a wide range of local and global environmental and […]

Online forum: Adult learning education on climate justice

Context In recent years, the importance of adult learning education focused on climate justice has gained momentum in Australia and the world. In Australia, we have seen the impact of […]

ALA webinar: Aboriginal English and code-switching

This session aims to focus on Aboriginal English as a social, cultural and linguistical marker in Indigenous Tertiary Education and to promote an understanding of the languages spoken by Aboriginal […]

Adult Literacy & Numeracy Practitioner Program (ALNPP) Units

Expression of Interest: Learn Local pre-accredited practitioners can register their interest to complete either or both of the ALNPP additional modules: ‘ALNPP Koorie module’ and/or ‘ALNPP Professional Learning Network’ for […]

Climate Justice Education: Towards a pluriverse of possibilities: Unlearning separation, re-learning relationality – Session2

INVITATION TO A TWO-PART TEACH-IN Towards a pluriverse of possibilities: Unlearning separation, re-learning relationality The world as we know it is not sustainable. To change these realities, we need to […]

Climate Justice Education: Towards a pluriverse of possibilities: Unlearning separation, re-learning relationality – Session1

INVITATION TO A TWO-PART TEACH-IN Towards a pluriverse of possibilities: Unlearning separation, re-learning relationality The world as we know it is not sustainable. To change these realities, we need to […]

New issue of Australian Journal of Adult Learning out now!

Take a look inside the latest Australian Journal of Adult Learning. Volume 63, Number 2, July 2023 Editorial Trace Ollis Refereed articles Why some homogeneous adult learning groups may be […]

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia