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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia


Write an incident report

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Level 3 Areas: Oral, Writing Information This task requires the candidate to choose a picture and write as much as possible. Resource Write an incident […]

Write an accident report

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Level 3 Areas: Oral, Writing Information This task requires the candidate to choose a picture and write as much as possible. Resource Write an accident […]

Word and number bingo

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Pre-level 1 Areas: Learning, Reading, Oral, Writing, Numeracy Information This task is appropriate for a range of workplaces. Resource Word and number bingo (docx)

Use professional language – Aged care

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Level 2–3 Areas: Reading (2–3), Oral (2–3), Writing (2–3) Information This task has been developed for the aged care industry. Resource Use professional language – […]

State your opinion

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Level 3–4 Areas: Writing (3–4), Oral (3–4) Information This is a generic task. Resource State your opinion (docx)

Safe lifting in the workplace

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Level 2 Areas: Learning (2), Oral (2) Information This task focuses on manual handling. It can be used with candidates from any industry area. Resource […]

Read a map

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Pre Level 1, Level 1–2 Areas: Reading (PL1, 1), Writing (PL1, ), Numeracy (PL1, 1–2), Oral (1) Information This task is appropriate for a range […]

Manual handling

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Level 2–3 Areas: Learning (3), Writing (2–3 ), Oral (3) Information This task is suitable for a range of workplaces. Resource Manual handling (docx)

Make a sling

Contributor: Precision Consulting ACSF level: Pre-level 1, Level 1–2 Areas: Part A covers ACSF: Learning, Reading, Writing and Oral Communication (Listening) at Pre Level 1. Part B covers ACSF: Learning, […]

Let’s go shopping

Contributor: Lindee Conway ACSF level: Level 1 Areas: Oral, reading, numeracy Information This assessment is designed for Level 1 learners. The documentation contains teacher notes, learner worksheet and ACSF links […]

How are you today?

Contributor: Lindee Conway ACSF level: Level 1 and 2 Area: Oral Information This resource would suit learners in the SEE program (and for whom you have to produce evidence of […]

Corrections Victoria LLN assessment toolkit

Contributor: Corrections Victoria ACSF level: Level 1, 2 & 3 Areas: All levels of the ACSF Information This adult English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assessment resource was initially developed […]

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia