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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia


Release of the Foundation Skills Assessment Tool

On 12 September 2016, the Department of Education and Training launched the Foundation Skills Assessment Tool (FSAT). FSAT is a free, interactive online tool designed to identify and measure an […]

Healthy cooking class serves up fun

Food rescue charity OzHarvest is running an education program for people on low incomes to learn about cooking healthy food on a budget. At Adelaide’s Hackham West Community Centre a […]

Forum: Community based adult learning, health and wellbeing

Adult Learning Australia is committed to equitable lifelong and lifewide learning. This is a central aspect of the adult and community education (ACE) sector’s role in supporting the Australian community. […]

New ALA policy on mental health

Adult Learning Australia’s (ALA) commitment to equitable lifelong and lifewide learning is a central aspect of the adult and community education (ACE) sector’s role in supporting the Australian community. Recent […]

Tips for using Twitter to promote your event

Whether you’re running a conference, a community meeting or launching a new program, using Twitter means you can expand the size of the audience taking part and spread the word about the great work your organisation does. […]

Healthy cooking class serves up fun

Food rescue charity OzHarvest is running an education program for people on low incomes to learn about cooking healthy food on a budget. At Adelaide’s Hackham West Community Centre agroup of 15 people peel […]

Rediscovering the joy of two wheels

Bike rider training for adults is flourishing in the municipality of Leichhardt in Sydney’s inner west. The Rusty Rider course for those aged 25 and over turns those who are wobbly on two wheels into confident […]

Election 2016 policy statements

Adult Learning Australia has asked the major parties for a statement outlining their position in relation to ALA’s policy platform. All parties were contacted and responses received to date are […]

Stand for adult literacy

Adult Learning Australia believes that a strong adult and community education sector can deliver great benefits for all Australians, particularly in the areas of adult literacy and numeracy. In the lead up to the 2016 federal election, we are asking everyone to support this important issue.

ALA News
Teachers – Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)

Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services is seeking TESOL qualified teachers to join our Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Foundation Skills team, delivery training in Certificates in EAL (Access). Experience teaching […]

Diving with a disability

A scuba diving training program is changing lives for people with disabilities who are swapping wheelchairs for water. Mark Slingo had just qualified as a diving instructor in Thailand when […]

Devonport commits to lifelong learning

Devonport Tasmania has launched a ‘Live & Learn’ Strategy to set a new direction for the city and establish a flourishing culture of lifelong learning. Devonport Mayor, Alderman Steve Martin left school at 16 then […]

Tips for taking control of your website

  If you’ve outsourced management of your website you know making changes and updates can be difficult and costly. An outdated website can be worse than no website at all. But changes in web publishing make updating […]

First aid for mental health

Diamond Valley Learning Centre in Melbourne is running mental health first aid courses to help staff and students develop skills to identify and help others who are struggling emotionally. If […]

NSW positions vacant

Position   Business Trainer and Assessor Organisation   Inverell Community College Details   To train CIII in Business. TAE40110 CIV Training and Assessment, qualifications and experience in business required Contact […]

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia