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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia


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ALA Pre-Budget Submission 2020-21

The ALA Pre-Budget Submission makes 12 key recommendations to the Commonwealth government including outlining the case for a Lifelong Learning Policy and the need for a National Adult Literacy Strategy […]

Towards a Lifelong Learning Policy: The Forum

You’re invited to our forum!   Join us for a celebration and wrap-up of activities for the Year of Lifelong Learning (YOLL). Our final event is a forum on Human […]

Seeking Stories of Adult Learning

Would you or someone you know like to be part of a book about adult learning in Australia? Adult and lifelong learning can have a profound impact on how people […]

Seeking stories of ACE

Do you know a learner whose life has been changed by ACE? Adult Learning Australia is seeking compelling and inspiring stories from learners about their experiences of adult and community […]

Call for Papers 2012 ALA Conference

Adult Learning Australia is holding its 52nd Annual National Conference hosted by Byron Region Community College. Our theme is Lifelong Learning = Resilient Communities.

We are currently calling for papers and workshops on the above theme of between 45 minutes and 1 hour from researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the adult and community education field’s.

2012 ALA Conference in Byron Bay

The 52nd annual ALA conference will be held in NSW’s stunning Byron Bay on the 11th and 12th October 2012.

This year’s conference theme is Lifelong learning equals resilient communities.

Community campaign reverses funding cuts

A campaign against proposed government funding cuts to community centres in South Australia has been successful in reversing the decision. The South Australian Government will restore funding to $9 million to be shared among about 100 community centres across SA.

The ‘Don’t go breaking our heart’ campaign, led by Community Centres SA was the culmination of years of lobbying the Government for operational funding across the whole sector.

Community Pathways to VET award winner announced

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) have announced the winners of their National Australian Training Awards for 2011.

This year, for the first time, the award categories included a national award for Community Pathways to VET, and ALA board member, Mark Brophy was one of the judges. Western College in Dubbo, NSW was the winner of the award.

Adult learning spaces celebrated

Melbourne turned on a beautiful spring day to welcome the participants of the 51st ALA Conference in September. The theme of this year’s conference was Celebrating Adult Learning Spaces and this inspired a wide range of national and international presentations from keynote speakers about how the physical and conceptual spaces of learning are created.

National Adult Learners Awards 2011 winners announced

Adult Learning Australia is very proud to announce the winners of the 2011 National Adult Learners Awards held in Melbourne on the 26th September 2011 at Beer Deluxe in Federation Square.

Australian Adult Educator of the Year: Dr Jean Serle.

Jean was a founding member of the Queensland Council for Adult Literacy where she developed innovative and …

Adult Learners Week 1st-8th September 2011

It’s only the beginning … The brand new website for Adult Learners Week 2011 is up and running. Have a look and see what’s going on in your area. The […]

Business looks to ACE for innovative skills training

‘Enterprising ACE’ is the name given to Adult and Community Education providers who are rising to the challenge to meet the workforce training needs of small and medium businesses in […]

World First: Men’s Shed Study Tour & International Men’s Shed Forum

  The University of Ballarat, Australian Men’s Shed Association, Victorian Men’s Shed Association and Adult Learning Australia invite you to participate in a World First: Men’s Shed Study Tour & […]

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia