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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA webinar: The Power and Potential of Adult Learning and Education in Changing Times

Presenter: Various
When: Friday 4 September @ 10.30am AEST
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: Free for Adult Learners' Week

The Power and Potential of Adult Learning and Education in Changing Times

A free webinar as part of Adult Learners’ Week – Celebrating 25 years

Adult learning and education (ALE) is dynamic, it has a key role in solving some of the biggest challenges of our time. Social cohesion, health and wellbeing, digitalisation, equality, employment, and sustainable development are just some of the benefits. How might we seize this moment and think about how we can reimagine ALE leading us to a more inclusive and sustainable future?

This forum will bring together a range of experts and practitioners in the field, from across Australia, to exchange views and examples on the power and potential of adult learning and education in changing times and the pathways for success.


ALA President Assoc. Professor Annette Foley (Federation University)

Annette is an Associate Professor of Adult and Vocational Education at Federation University Australia. She has worked for over 30 years as an adult educator in TAFE, higher education, adult community education, and the private training sector.

Before Annette commenced her academic role at Fed Uni she had first-hand experience as a TAFE manager and CEO in a VET/ACE and youth services organisation, where she worked in a regional community and liaised with industry, community and local government agencies to develop education and training programs for youth and older learners.

Keynote speaker

Professor Tony Dreise (Head of Department, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, ANU)

Professor Tony Dreise, a proud descendent of the Guumilaroi and Euahlayi First Nations of north-west New South Wales and south-west Queensland is nationally and internationally recognised as a First Nations leader in policy, evaluation and research in the field of education. Tony is currently the Director, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, ANU. He has had a long policy and research career in Queensland and New South Wales, having worked as a Principal Indigenous Research Fellow at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). He has recently worked as a Senior Fellow at CAEPR as a ‘researcher–in-residence’ with Aboriginal Affairs NSW. Tony has a longstanding interest in the relationship between research, evaluation and policy. He brings innovative ideas to the interface between social and economic research and the policy community.



Adult Learning and Education Panel

Josephine Boffa – Jesuit Social Services

Josephine is the Community Partnerships Coordinator for Jesuit Community College, a program of Jesuit Social Services. She has extensive experience working in the not for profit sector in the areas of education, training, and employment in assisting individuals, and by extension, their families achieve greater social and economic participation.





Luke Treadwell – Senior Teacher, AMES

Luke is a senior teacher with many years of program and project management experience in AMES. He has taught CALD students for across a range of programs and has worked extensively with the Web-Based Training blended learning program.






Professor Sue Shore (Adjunct) – Charles Darwin University

Dr Sue Shore has over 40 years teaching, education and research leadership and has built a sustained history of collaboration with community, school, VET, and university organisations and colleagues.  She is currently an Adjunct Professor with Charles Darwin University having spent her previous time there as Professor of Education (Research) and Inaugural Director of the International Graduate Centre of Education (2014 – 2018). In previous employment at the University of South Australia Sue spent time as Director of the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Australian Research Consortium (ALNARC) which was funded to systematically support Australian adult literacy and numeracy practitioner inquiry.




ALA Adult and Community Education (ACE) Scan Launch

Dr. Trace Ollis (Deakin University)

Dr Tracey Ollis is a senior lecturer in Adult Vocational and Applied Learning at Deakin University in Australia. She is the principal editor of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning. Tracey’s research focusses on Adult Education in workplaces and lifelong learning, in Adult & Community Education (ACE) and community settings.  Her research is involved with epistemological, ontological, and ethical understandings of adult learning and practice. She has published widely in Australia and internationally. Her current research project is on adult learning in Neighbourhood Houses in Victoria.




Check out the program here.


How to participate

Offered FREE as part of Adult Learners’ Week.

See recording embedded below.

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Adult Learning Australia