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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Webinar: Volunteer management: Understanding rights and responsibilities

Organisations and their volunteers have rights and responsibilities. Volunteers perform a specific task or role and, in return, the organisation provides their volunteers with a rewarding experience. But it doesn’t end here. There are expectations that need to be considered and met by both sides.

This session will cover the key aspects of a successful volunteer program in terms of the rights and responsibilities associated with both volunteers and the organisation. This interactive session will unpack the definition of volunteering and the principles that underpin it.

Our presenter, Rae Plush, is the Training and Regional Development Manager for Volunteering SA–NT. She has extensive experience in the community services sector. Prior to that she was the Regional Manager, Volunteer Services with the Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service. She has volunteered for the Child Protection Society, in Zimbabwe. Rae has presented papers at national and local conferences and currently sits on the Board of the Australasian Association for Managers of Volunteers.

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia