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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Webinar: Reflecting on the Rio+20 Outcomes – ESD and Lifelong Learning

JR GuevaraThe Rio+20 Outcomes document should be celebrated for committing to promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) beyond the UN Decade and for identifying the importance of non-formal education programs for sustainable development.

However, there still is a tendency to assume that ESD and education more broadly is about teaching young people for the future. While this is important, how do we extend this commitment to embrace lifelong learning within an Australian education policy and practice context?

In this session, our presenter, Jose Roberto Guevara, discusses who, as adult and community educators, we should be working with to advance this advocacy.

Dr Guevara is a Senior Lecturer, International Development, School of Global Studies, Science and Planning at RMIT University. He is also President of Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), which promotes quality education for all and transformative and liberating, life-long adult education and learning.

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Adult Learning Australia