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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Webinar: Going digital! Establishing an online presence for your community organisation

In a rapidly evolving online world, more and more businesses are realising the opportunities that engaging online can offer. And the same applies to non-profits and community organisations. Being online […]

Community Learning Lounge in QLD

An e-learning project in Hervey Bay is taking steps to reduce regional unemployment and meet the demand for skilled aged care workers in Queensland, with the creation of a physical […]

Funding available to help young people get work ready

Organisations helping young Australians prepare for further study or work are invited to apply for Government grants, with $500,000 now available under the Youth Development and Support Program. Minister for […]

Global connections: The ins and outs of social networking online

Social networking services allow us to stay connected and collaborate with friends, family, the community and people with similar interests around the world. One of the most popular and well-known […]

Cyber smart seniors: Getting clued in on cyber safety

Uncertainty about security and privacy can stop some senior Australians from accessing the Internet. This clearly affects their ability to participate fully in the digital economy. Some seniors are more […]

Mobile phones to aid literacy learning in Victoria

A sustainable model for using mobile devices to assist with analysing learners’ literacy and numeracy skills will be developed in a pilot program being conducted by Central Gippsland Institute of […]

Learning in the new age in WA

A new project is giving remote and disadvantaged learners the opportunity to develop the skills to learn online and work in the digital age.   By giving them the skills […]

E-learning offers second chance for disadvantaged youth

A specialised training project is giving disadvantaged youth the chance to gain basic literacy, numeracy and employability skills.   “Disadvantaged young people need a champion to help them address their […]

New learning centre opened in Tasmania

Tasmanian Premier, Lara Giddings, and Minister for Education and Skills, Nick McKim,  have officially opened the new Bridgewater LINC, a centre of learning for people of all ages. Ms Giddings […]

Online meeting room

Many people have joined the ALA webinars in the last couple of years, and experienced the web conferencing space known as Blackboard Collaborate. We would also like to extend an invitation to […]

Annual General Meeting (AGM), June 2012

Adults Learning at a Neighbourhood House in Melbourne

Annual General Meeting 1:00-2:00pm 8 June 2012 (AEST). This year the Annual General Meeting will be held online, in our virtual meeting room – the “Board Room”. The room will […]

Webinar: A picture tells a thousand words: using FlickR for image sharing and social networking

There are many online tools for collaboration and community building. These tools allow us to connect with and share resources. Flickr, for example, is a wonderful photo-sharing community. Its expansive […]

Webinar: Cash or accrual? Setting up an accounting system that works for you

Morri Young

There are so many decisions that need to be made when setting up an accounting system for your organisation. In this session, presenter Morri Young from Matrix On Board will […]

Webinar: Validating your learning and assessment strategies for low level learners

Improving literacy skills is about helping people participate fully in family life, the community, learning and employment. This webinar will concentrate on learning and assessment strategies for low level learners; […]

Lifelong and Lifewide Learning for All Australians

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia