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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALW Webinar – From neighbourhood centres to employment and beyond – the ‘value’ of ACE across the learning and development spectrum

Friday 26 August at 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm AEST

This is the second in the series of Adult Learners’ Week webinars for 2011.

Facilitated by Aileen Boyer and Jane Chilcott, this webinar will feature adult learners who have benefited from ACE programs in their lives, not just as pathways to employment and careers, but also for social and health benefits.  The webinar will explore the strengths of grass roots programs that have reached out to vulnerable communities and achieved positive outcomes, emphasising the real value of ACE not only in education, training and employment, but also in improving health and social well-being.

Aileen is CEO of Armadale Community Family Centre as well as President of Linkwest, a WA peak body for neighbourhood houses and community centres where quality ACE programs are provided.  Jane Chilcott is acting Executive Manager for Linkwest and was previously the Manager of Training and Education for this organisation.

This webinar is intended to be interactive.  Please register by Wednesday 24 August to ensure a place.

We use Elluminate web conferencing technology for our webinars and you will require a internet-connected computer with speakers and headsets. Help files for elluminate over here.


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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia