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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA Webinar: Validating Assessment Strategies to the FSK

Chris Tully ImageThe introduction of the Foundation Skills Training Package (FSK) has provided practitioners with a framework of units of competency to support and complement a variety of training programs.

This webinar is for foundation skills practitioners to come together as a group to validate your assessment strategies to the FSK. The structure for this webinar involves participants sharing an assessment strategy for the group to validate.

Don’t have any resources that need validating? That’s fine too – the validation discussions are also a great way to test and deepen your knowledge of the FSK, and gather ideas for delivery.

Our presenter, Chris Tully is the Learning Skills Coordinator at NMIT who has been working in the TAFE sector for over 23 years first as a numeracy and mathematics teacher and then in coordinating and delivering support programs. She currently works with units of competency from FSK mapping them to VET courses across a variety of areas.

This is a great opportunity to hear from a skilled practitioner, and take part in a valuable interaction with your peers.

This FREE event is for ALA LLN Network Members (Individual and Organisational) and their registered staff (Associate Members)

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia