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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA webinar: Supporting learners with low literacy – while having some fun

Lindee ConwayAdult learners with low literacy come from diverse cultural, social, linguistic, religious, economic and political backgrounds. Some may have limited or disrupted educational experiences. They will all have diverse needs, interests, experiences, abilities and learning styles.

Supporting learners with low literacy is complex. It’s not about using one simple approach or method. It’s about working with enthusiasm, building relationships and having a handy toolkit of techniques, strategies and resources.

In our next session, presenter Lindee Conway will share her experience as a teacher of adult ESL learners for a lot of years. This will be a hands-on session with plenty of practical tips to enable you to help your learners better understand and negotiate the world.

Lindee is currently the Foundation Studies Coordinator at NMIT.

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia