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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA Webinar: Social Media for ACE Centres – How not to waste time

Sally ThompsonSocial Media is an incredibly important tool for connecting with your community and bringing learners into your centre. However it also has the potential to absorb huge amounts of your time for little return. Different platforms are useful for different purposes and even the most useful are changing constantly and can quickly become less valuable.   This workshop will identify the best uses of digital time and energy for a community education provider. It will help you to pick off the low hanging fruit and replace other activities with social media. Beginners are most welcome.

Sally Thompson is ALA’s CEO. ALA uses social media extensively for campaigning, education and community building. Sally also has a Graduate Diploma in EBusiness and Communication.

This FREE event is for ALA Members (Individual and Organisational) and their registered staff (Associate Members)


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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia