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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA webinar: How to read your energy bill

If you really want to make some energy savings, you need to know how to read your energy bill. OK, so this is not the most sexy topic in the world but it’s an important one.

At our next session, Heather Coleman from Heyfield Community Resource Centre will share with us how it’s done. She will help us understand the murky world of:

  • tariffs
  • average daily use
  • same time last year figure
  • actual or estimate readings
  • plus much more.

Then in the second half of this session, Katrina Shields from Byron Region Community College and Damien Moyce from Alternative Technology Association will explore the difference between halogen, compact fluro and LED lighting. They will also help us make better, more informed choices around energy efficient lighting.

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia