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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA and TAFE Directors Australia issue joint statement

Media release

Following on from the Jobs and Skills Summit, and on the final day of Adult Learners Week, TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) and Adult Learning Australia (ALA) issue a joint statement of common interest.

The federal government’s $1.1 billion funding pledge for fee-free TAFE places across Australia is critical to addressing national skill shortages.

A systematic approach and strong partnerships between TAFE and Adult Community Education (ACE) providers has reduced barriers to education and training and promoted a culture of lifelong learning.

The ACE sector is recognised for its ability to engage jobseekers in foundation and employability skills programs as a ‘soft point of entry’ to vocational education and training, often addressing a broad range of barriers.

The sector can help to provide a safety net for people not yet ready to learn or work, and offer pathways and local partnerships that benefit all parties, including adult learners.

“TDA acknowledges the important work of ALA and their members in enabling adult learners to gain foundation skills that prepare them for study at TAFE. Strong foundation skills are critical to assist learners in their TAFE courses,” said Jenny Dodd, TDA CEO.

“An effective working relationship between ALA and TDA that recognises their specific and complementary roles is vital for equitable access to education and training for all Australians,” said Jenny Macaffer, ALA CEO.

About ALA

ALA is the national peak body for adult and community education with over 1,400 members representing all states and territories of Australia. ALA coordinates Adult Learners Week (1–8 Sept), which is a UNESCO initiative supported in Australia by the Commonwealth Government.

ALA media contact: Call 03 9689 8623 or email for more information.

About TDA

TAFE Directors Australia is the peak national body representing 29 TAFE institutes, including six dual sector universities with TAFE divisions and nine TAFEs that are also non-university higher education providers.

TDA media contact: Bob Bowden, 0412 753 298

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia