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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Media release: Record boost for Neighbourhood Houses, TAFE & jobs in Victoria

The Andrews Government’s strong investment in neighbourhood houses and its commitment to rebuilding the public education system in Victoria is to be congratulated, says Adult Learning Australia, the national peak body for adult and community education.

With additional funding of over $21 million, neighbourhood houses in Victoria are now in a position to expand the services they provide for people and families in local communities.

“This Budget offers some recognition of the valuable work that goes on in neighbourhood houses throughout Victoria”, said Jenny Macaffer CEO of Adult Learning Australia.

Education opportunities delivered in adult and community education environments, like neighbourhood houses, address equity issues by providing points of access to pre-accredited and accredited education programs that target early school leavers or those who have disengaged from learning for a range of reasons.

The Andrews Government is also spending $172 million on free TAFE courses in priority areas, such as mental health, disability and education support, and targeted pre-apprenticeship programs.

“Severe government cuts to TAFE and open competition between public and private providers have failed both students and employers. It’s important to invest in a public system that builds skills and provides high quality educational outcomes wrapped in a lifelong learning framework for the many Victorians who, for a variety of reasons, are not ready or able to go to university,” says Ms Macaffer.

“People need access to learning opportunities throughout their lives to ensure they can adapt to changing social and economic circumstances, and to the ever-evolving job market.”

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia