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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Using Blackboard Collaborate – Behind the Scenes

In this session Keith will explain:

  • How he goes about preparing material for a Blackboard Collaborate session,
  • What tools there are in Blackboard Collaborate, how they can be used and tips about using them
  • Suggestions on how to involve participants in a session.
  • How to have a practice session with Blackboard Collaborate
  • How we can help anyone who wants to try it.

Blackboard Collaborate is really quite easy.  It’s a very rewarding system to use and is the direction of future distance training.  You not only share your knowledge but get to hear great ideas from others from all over Australia.

Maybe you’re thinking ‘I’m not up to doing a presentation yet’.  That’s OK.  A starting point is to become a moderator who assists the presenter. This involves riding shotgun on comments in the chat window, alerting the presenter to someone who has their hand up and, as happened in the last session, reminding the presenter that the session has gone very quiet because he hasn’t pushed his ‘Talk’ button!

Of course, if you feel you would like to present a session then we will welcome you with open arms.  We are only too happy to provide whatever support and practice you need.

The BFS movement would greatly welcome more moderators and presenters and this is your opportunity to see how one person goes about doing it.  It’s also a great opportunity to learn about the power of online collaboration and training programs.

Keith is an experienced computer tutor. Before retirement from the power industry, his background included time giving some industrial training and Toastmasters.

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia