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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

South Australian Adult Learner of the year announced

The Colorful Library of an Interaction Designer (Juhan Sonin) / 20100423.7D.05887.P1 / SMLA retiree from Adelaide’s southern suburbs – Sue Steer from Hackham West – has been named South Australia’s 2012 Adult Learner of the Year.

South Australian Employment, Higher Education and Skills Minister, Tom Kenyon says the award – one of six made during this year’s Adult Learner’s Week – shows it’s never too late to take up training and learn new skills

“Adult Learners’ Week, which has a theme this year of Digital Literacy, is an opportunity to recognise, promote and advance adult and community education,” Mr Kenyon said.

“Since returning to study three years ago, Mrs Steer has completed her Certificate II in Active Volunteering, Certificate III in Community Services Work and this year she successfully completed her Diploma in Community Services Coordination. She’s also been an active member of the Hackham West Community Centre’s Board of Management and works as a volunteer.

“Adult Learners’ Week highlights the benefits of Adult Community Education (ACE) which can help people overcome educational, social and economic barriers, as well as providing opportunities for them to gain new skills and knowledge, particularly through using computers.

“The State Government’s Skills for All reforms are making it easier for people to take part in community- based learning or further education and find work, through funding for ACE,” Mr Kenyon said.

“ACE is an important starting point for people who may consider vocational education and training and university study to be initially out of their reach.

“There are hundreds of fee free courses and more affordable training available right now. Under Skills for All, Certificate I and II level courses, and accredited courses to improve reading, writing, numeracy and computer skills are fee-free,” Mr Kenyon said.

Other winners of 2012 Adult Learners’ Week Awards are:

*Adult Educator of the Year (Volunteer) – Tanya Moralee, Bedford Training
*Adult Educator of the Year (Paid) Joint Winner – Susan Lang, Glandore Community Centre
*Adult Educator of the Year (Paid) Joint Winner – Simon Cho, Bedford Training
*Adult Learning Program of the Year – Glandore Community Centre, City of Marion Employment and Vocational Skills, Win that Job! Program
*Learning Community of the Year – UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide, Taperoo Community Centre


Image:Creative Commons License See-ming Lee via Compfight

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Adult Learning Australia