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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Skype 5.1 installing, using and other adventures at your BFS Kiosk

This session will be of interest to Broadband for Seniors volunteer tutors who are interested in accessing updated Skype 5.1 to communicate via call or video with family members and how you might introduce this feature to your BFS senior community who are learning about ICT. This session will assist with installing Skype 5.1 on your data drive, setting up new client accounts, running Skype for a call or a video, finding other family members and logging off as user. This session will provide you with a link to all the previous and current information videos, documents and web sites viewable at

Ian is currently undertaking voluntary work in the areas of mentoring migrants (Walking Tall program), web site designer ( and trainer of trainers at Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services (LCMS) of the Broadband for Seniors Internet Kiosk. He is undertaking kiosk activities and training of volunteers from 10-4pm Wednesday to Friday. He is currently doing casual relief primary school teaching in Bendigo with his previous employment being a teacher in WA, a life essentials coach, an information technology trainer, a laughter yoga instructor and a tutor of dyslexia-speld & gifted and talented students.

He loves mind mapping software with Tony Buzan, Howard Gardner’s 9 forms of Intelligence and Edward DeBono’s 6 thinking Hats. He has an Eportfolio at here with many links. He is currently completing a study online in TAA – Bridging program with Line Management Institute of Training. He has completed Grad Dip in Comp Ed, Diploma in Teaching, Cert IV Assessment and Workplace Training, Cert IV Employment Services and Cert III in Information Technology.

Istvan has been involved with the Broadband for Seniors project for some time. He started seriously using computers at the inception of BASIC programming language. During IT studies he was conducting “study circles” for adults in computer use. Teaching became his second passion. His original career in mechanical engineering has developed in parallel towards the use of PCs.

He left his last position with a high level of 3D CAD and animation experience. Istvan is passionate about computing and the World Wide Web. The Internet is proving to be not just the information age but also a great liberator by allowing everyone to be involved in a global scale. It allows us to shape a nation (think Egypt!), keep in touch, entertain or to just research your favorite plant when returning from your garden.

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia