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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Shopping around for a better energy deal

Additional resources

Australian Energy Regulator

Australian Energy Regulator, Switching sites

Energy Made Easy

Price comparator websites


Switch On Victoria

Your choice

Commercial sites

Other useful contact information

Indigenous Info line 1300 303 143

For information in languages other than English call 13 1450 and ask for 1300 585 165

Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 and ask for 1300 585 165

TTY users phone 13 3677 and ask for 1300 585 165

Internet relay users connect to the National Relay Service ( and ask for 1300 585 165

Related fact sheets

Fact sheet 17: Shopping around for a better energy deal

Included in Categories

Article 1 of 461 articles in the category of News
Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia