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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

OctoberVET is coming!


What is OctoberVET?

The Australian VET Research Association (AVETRA) convenes OctoberVET events across the country each year.  It provides the opportunity for new and experienced researchers to showcase their work, and for educators throughout the tertiary sector to discuss some of the issues most relevant to the sector.

As well as providing opportunities to share research and discuss issues, these events are part of the work of AVETRA in building research capacity in the sector, an area often not given enough recognition in VET.  A participant in the NCVER/AVETRA new researcher program recently explained the importance of VET educators participating in research activities in this way: …”research can also provide a critical reflection on the VET system, enabling it to stay current to the changing needs of society. VET throughout the knowledge value chain is perceived as the poor cousin, underlining the need to raise the status of VET.”

Dymock and Billett (2009) in their paper on VET research, quoted a participant to their survey as explaining that “in VET a researcher can make a personal impact in building a community of scholars and ‘shaping thinking’ about VET, and establishing it as an equally valid field of research as higher and schools education.”

In this time of change in the VET sector, learning from and participating in research appears more significant than ever.

Whilst most capital cities will hold one OctoberVET event, the opportunity is there for several to be held in different centres, metropolitan and regional.  This year in Sydney, one event will focus on ‘lifelong and lifewide perspective on literacy and numeracy development’ (UTS), and another will highlight issues around professional issues and scholarly practice in VET (Randwick TAFE).  Other events confirmed include:

  • New Developments in Research in VET (Federation University, Ballarat)
  • Trades, Apprentices and VET (LaTrobe University, Melbourne)
  • Starting the Research Conversation (Central Queensland University, Rockhampton)
  • Bringing Research to Practice: Engaging Adolescents with Literacy and Numeracy (TasTAFE, Hobart)
  • The State of Play 2014: VET, Apprenticeships and Context (Charles Sturt University, Wagga)
  • What VET Researchers Learn (Central Institute of Technology, Perth)
  • Better Training for a Better Workforce: Research for VET Innovation (Griffith University, Brisbane)

Got to: for further information

How do you become involved?

OctoberVET events range in size and scope, depending on local needs and interests, and range from convivial, small-scale gatherings to larger formal events with speakers. Events can be brief (a couple of hours) or can span a whole day.  AVETRA offers a small seed-grant for all OctoberVET events (which can be used for catering for example), and a national coordinator is on hand to discuss your ideas, and to provide advice and support. AVETRA also advertises OctoberVET events nationally to help draw attention to local events.

To run an event you can set up a local group and contact one of the national coordinators (contact details below).  To attend an event you can watch the AVETRA website and local advertising.

What has been the focus of previous years?

 Last year’s themes will give you an idea of the variety of interests gathered together under the OctoberVET banner:

  • The Variety of VET: Research into policy and practice for schools, training providers and workplaces
  • Research & Evaluation in Vocational Education: The role of evidence/Engaging & Supporting Distance-based Learners in the Workplace
  • What is happening in VET research
  • Engaging adolescents in Education: A gathering of minds and experiences
  • Building research capacity and culture in VET
  • Reflective practice in VET – why bother? How does it enhance business?
  • Exploring the relationships between the ACE and VET sectors

Coordinators:  Steven Hodge and Linda Simon

Both Steven and Linda are members of AVETRA Executive

Ref: Dymock, D. & Billett S. (2009).  Aligning VET Research, Policy and Practice. AVETRA Dr Ray Barker Fellowship.


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