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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

New Special Edition of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning out now!

Take a look inside the November Special Edition of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning.

Volume 64, Number 3, Special Edition, November 2024


Susan Holloway and Patricia Gouthro

Refereed articles

Literacies practitioners resisting human capital theory through values-based approaches
Lyn Tett

Literacies and learning: An exploration into women’s digital literacy practices and sustainable livelihoods in rural Zambia
John Zimba

Encouraging transformative and creative learning in adult literacy education through artistic literacies Karen Magro

Towards affective literacy for adult migrants: A systematic literature review
Carmen Toscano-Fuentes, Analí Fernández-Corbacho & M. Carmen Fonseca-Mora

Critical food literacy: Learning to challenge power in the food system
Jennifer Sumner

Developing critical literacies in US adult education degree programs: What is advertised on university websites?
Petra Robinson & Maja Stojanovic

Adult (multi)literacies for global equity/social justice in challenging times
Kathy Sanford, Bruno de Oliveira Jayme & Tanya Manning- Lewis

Stories of practice

Beyond language barriers: One educator’s tale of nurturing critical literacy success in refugee-background adult learners
Anneleis Humphries, Catherine Smith & Julie Choi

Citizen literacy: A story of changing practice
John Casey & Diane Gardner

Working with learners with (dis)abilities: How New Literacy Studies challenge the Ontario government’s policy focus on employment for adult literacy
Annie Luk, Judy Perry & Phylicia Davis-Wesseling

Book reviews

Literacy in the lives of working-class adults in Australia, dominant versus local voices
– By Stephen Black
Reviewed by Trace Ollis



Included in Categories

Article 467 of 480 articles in the category of News
Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia