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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

National Study on Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Skills: Discussion Paper

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) is leading the development of a national study on adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills – the foundation skills study. The study, outlined in the October 2022 budget, consists of three elements: a survey of Australian adults to assess their current skills levels; a feasibility study into how best to assess the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy levels of First Nations people; and an analysis of Commonwealth administrative and other data to ‘drill down’ into the results for priority groups.

The purpose of this discussion paper is to determine the intent and desired outputs of the foundation skills study, including scope, coverage, use of the results, and the most appropriate options for achieving this within the time frame and resources available.

To assist with this study a JSA discussion paper has been developed and submissions invited.

Read ALA response to the JSA Foundation Skills Study 2023.

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia