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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Making life easy at your Broadband for Seniors Kiosk

This session will provide an excellent opportunity for new Broadband for Senior’s host administrators and volunteer tutors to be involved in a panel discussion with Ian, Dom and Keith who have successfully introduced the Broadband for Seniors program to senior members of their communities.

This is a chance for you to ask questions; learn what was the most challenging thing that happened when setting up their BFS program and learn a range of helpful tips to make life a little easier when contemplating the way forward to make your BFS a vibrant community space.

Mary Hannan and Michael Chalk from ALA will chat with participants about the BFS volunteer tutor’s network which we are hoping to attract more members to join. This is a google group for BFS volunteer tutors which provides a space to discuss and share information across a range of issues and topics.

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia