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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Online meeting room

Many people have joined the ALA webinars in the last couple of years, and experienced the web conferencing space known as Blackboard Collaborate. We would also like to extend an invitation to our members to use this space for occasional meetings. If you are interested to take up this offer:

  • Send an email request to Catherine Devlin: c.devlin[at]*
  • When you’ve booked your room, we will send you the links for guest and for moderator, as well as some technical tips and links to help files.
  • If you need support, you can make a time with Catherine for the introductory tour.
  • If the room appears booked, please ask anyway, as we may be able to create concurrent sessions.

* Replace [at] with the @ symbol.


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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia