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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Free Research Event in Ballarat for OctoberVET




New developments in research in Vocational Education and Training

A free research-based event in Ballarat


Keynote speakers

Robin Shreeve: The ‘Further Education’ role of VET and new forms of delivery

Robin Shreeve is former CEO of the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency

Hugh Guthrie: The effects of the funding cuts in Victoria on training for the Service Skills industries

Hugh Guthrie is a Principal Research Fellow at Victoria University

The Australian Vocational Educational and Training Research Association (AVETRA) is committed to building and promoting research capability to ensure a rigorous and well informed VET system.  OctoberVET is the name given to a series of events held throughout Australia to showcase VET research.


Please support Ballarat’s seventh OctoberVET, mounted by Fed Uni’s

 VET research group RAVE – Researching Adult and Vocational Education


Friday October 17th 2014, 1.30 – 4.30 pm

Registration and  light lunch from 1.00pm

Afternoon tea provided

Old Chemistry Building C, SMB Campus, Lydiard St, Ballarat

Room : C001 (Lecture Theatre)

Easy access from the train station

Registration: Please email or ring Erica Smith on 03 5327 9665 (by October 15th  for catering)


Book Launch

‘Teaching in the VET sector in Australia’, edited by Ros Brennan Kemmis and Liz Atkins


RAVE Developing researcher presentations

Katrina Kavanagh: Video Conferencing in a Multi-Campus Tertiary Context: Exploring the strengths and weaknesses

Carolyn Johnstone: VET as part of an international crisis response. Based on research about Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia and Iraq.


RAVE PhD student presentations

Dorothy Lucardie: The role of fun in adult learning

Azusa Umemoto: Early school leavers and their pathways

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