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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

‘Elluminate Improvement’ webinar – A session for Volunteer Tutors working with Broadband for Seniors

A skilled user of Elluminate easily and effectively deliver top class learning experiences for their learners, conducting meetings with colleagues or just catch up with distant friends and family. Come along to this “Elluminate Improvement” webinar and learn to use Elluminate’s interactive and collaborative features from its most basic (responding using icons) to its most sophisticated (sharing media). When you register let us know what features you would like to learn more about and we will aim to include them in the session. Examples include:

  1. Text chat
  2. Setting up and using your audio
  3. Polling
  4. Using icons – hand raising, clapping, showing emotion etc
  5. Interacting on the white board
  6. Web tours and application sharing
  7. Sharing video and media tools
  8. Transferring files
  9. Being seen – your video cam

Presenter Bio

Helen is the ACT Toolbox Champion and a committed advocate of flexible learning and Flexible Learning Toolbox (Toolbox) resources. She has a background as an educator and flexible learning enthusiast in the vocational education and training and university sectors in NSW. She has worked as an educational management and curriculum consultant with various companies to write competencies for a number of training packages, undertake flexible learning research and help small RTO’s manage AQTF and educational business requirements. As well as acting as our Toolbox Champ Helen is an online educational designer with the Flex:ed team, Centre for Education Excellence at Canberra Institute of Technology. Helen holds post graduate qualifications in educational management, online education and Indigenous education and is currently undertaking a doctorate at the University of Southern Queensland researching professional development and learning object reuse.

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia