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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

‘Check out a range of BFS user guides’ and ‘Promoting your BFS Kiosk’

User guides have been developed by NEC for the Broadband for Senior’s program. You can view and download these user guides at  This session will provide a great opportunity to join Graeme Dodd and other staff from NEC to discuss how these user guides can support your kiosk activities and particularly how these new resources can support your training programs for seniors. User guides now available include:

  • Taking Screen Snapshort on BFS Kiosks
  • Using VLC Media Player on BFS Kiosks
  • Shrinking Pictures for Emails
  • FreeMail Accounts Signing Up
  • Portable Applications for BFS Kiosks
  • Web Conferencing on BFS Kiosks
  • Using WordPad on BFS Kiosks
  • Virtual Magnifying Glass on BFS Kiosks
  • Emailing Videos and Pictures

Graeme Dodd Graeme served with the RAAF for 23 years (many overseas), in electronics, logistics and training roles. Looking for a slightly quieter (and more stationery) life, he joined NEC in January 1990, first in a broadcast sales role and then back into engineering.

In May 2009 he joined the Broadband for Seniors project team to assist with technical support.

His interest in computers started in the late 70’s when he built up the Altair 8800, the world’s first minicomputer kit (having a ‘huge’ 4kb of memory and data input via front panel switches), then moving up to the first commercially available home computer, the Commodore 64 then the C128, in 1982.

Andrea Teague Andrea Teague will join this session and discuss strategies host administrators can consider to promote their BFS Kiosk to their senior community.

Andrea Teague has almost two decades of experience in corporate communications and marketing currently complemented by her tenure as a Marketing & Communications Manager at NEC Australia Pty Ltd.  Andrea has also worked in professional services marketing for major city law, accounting and economic firms.  Andrea led the NEC marketing campaign for the Broadband for Seniors program, promoting the initiative to relevant senior and community groups across Australia encouraging them to apply to host a kiosk.  She thoroughly enjoyed this experience and is delighted to share with you tips on how to promote your kiosk.

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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia