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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Calls for expression of interest

Editor of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning

The Australian Journal of Adult Learning (AJAL) has been published on behalf of Adult Learning Australia for over 55 years and is widely recognised as the leading journal in Australia on adult education. The journal is also recognised internationally in the discipline of adult education, and has received article submissions from leading scholars in adult and community education from the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and the Asia Pacific. In addition, the Journal has an esteemed editorial board of Australian and international academics representing the research disciplines of adult, vocational and adult and community education.

AJAL is published three times each year and promotes critical thinking and research in the field of adult learning as well as the theory, research and practice of adult and community education. Each issue features articles that have been double, blind-peer refereed as well as some practitioner articles and book reviews.

We are looking for a new editor for 2018 onwards due to the retirement from the editorial role of our current editor Dr Tony Brown.

The role of editor includes:

  • Calling for papers, and managing the ‘double, blind peer review’ process using an editorial board and invited peer reviewers
  • Editing, proofreading and formatting all materials ready for printing
  • Seeking out contributions where necessary to ensure a strong balance and high quality of articles
  • Managing an editorial board made up of Australian and Internationally recognised experts in the field of adult learning and adult and community education
  • Supporting a guest editor to edit an issue from time to time on a specialist theme related to Adult Community Education.
  • Maintain and further extend Journal impact factors across a range of research measures such as Scopus and ERA.

The editor works with two sub-editors and an Editorial Board. The new editor may revise and refresh the current Editorial Board.

The position is unpaid, but all expenses of the Editor, related to the journal will be reimbursed.

Sales, printing and distribution of the journal are managed by ALA support staff.

We are looking for someone willing to make an initial commitment of between 3–5 years.

Selection criteria

  1. A history of publication and research in the adult learning and / or adult and community education fields.
  2. Proven ability to manage a publishing processes.
  3. Understanding and networks in the adult and community educator sector in Australia and internationally

Expressions of interest of no more than 750 words, addressing the criteria above, should be sent to Jenny Macaffer, CEO of Adult Learning Australia by 1 June 2017 for consideration by the ALA Board.




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Article 264 of 473 articles in the category of News
Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia