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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Australian College of Educators Education for Equity Conference

The 2011 ACE National Conference is a “must attend” event for all educators, leaders, policy makers, researchers, advocates, community board members and anyone who is passionate about equity in education in contemporary Australia. The aim is to give fresh consideration to equity in the current Australian education context and contribute to a robust equity framework for Australian education that can connect government, education institutions at all levels and communities.

The conference will explore key questions about equity in education that go to the heart of Australian education policy and help make the connections between policy, practice and research. The program is divided into four overarching themes: Equity in the current education context; Equity and the curriculum; Resourcing and managing the system for equity and Making change happen. The conference program includes key note speakers, discussion panels, debates and parallel discussion seminars. There will be ample opportunities for conference participants to contribute to the discussion and  ask questions.

This conference is intended to do more than simply to shine a light, from an equity viewpoint, on current Australian education policies, structures, programs and practices.  It is about proposing an education equity agenda for Australia. The conference will also feature the National President’s dinner, at which Ross Gittins, one of Australia’s leading economics journalists, will present the Buntine oration.


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