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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Australian Coalition for Education and Development




ACED Members


The Australian Coalition for Education and Development (ACED) was established in 2008 and brings together 15 non-government organisations in Australia working on education in global development with a particular focus on Education for All.

ACED objectives

  • To develop a common advocacy agenda amongst members for education as a human right and as a tool for international development
  • To achieve the Sustainable Develop Goals (SDGs), especially as related to education and lifelong learning, and equity and access, and in particular SDG 4
  • To affiliate with the Global Campaign for Education (GCE).

All ACED members are committed to increasing Australian aid to education, and supporting the education of disadvantaged children and adults in Australia and the world. ACED and participating organisations are non-government and not for profit. ACED has been an active participant in a range of consultations with both the Global Partnership for Education, the Global Campaign for Education and the International Council of Adult Education on the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Transforming Education and Training in Australia: Challenges and Opportunities (February 2023)

We believe that all Australians should have access to quality adult education and training when and where they need it. The Australian government is urged to take up the challenge of transforming education and training systems to ensure that all individuals, communities, and businesses can participate equally and achieve the outcomes necessary to enjoy a sustainable emerging future….

Policy Forum Statement

ACED submission to: The Australian Government White Paper, Employment Taskforce, Treasury (November 2022)

The White Paper will analyse the dynamics in the labour market and outline policy frameworks and actions consistent with the Government’s objectives.

Read the full ACED submission to The Australian Government White Paper, Employment Taskforce, Treasury


ACED response to Australia’s National Statement of Commitment to Transform Education (August 2022)

The Department of Education is seeking stakeholder views on Australia’s National Statement of Commitment to Transform Education, as part of a national consultation on Australia’s progress against the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4).  ACED welcomes the opportunity for comment and also acknowledges the potential (and need) for transforming education nationally at this important moment in time. We are pleased to provide this written response that reviews the draft National Statement of Commitment to Transform Education and responds to the questions posed.

ACED submission to TES consultation


ACED submission to The House Standing Committee on Employment, Education & Training (March 2021)

ACED is pleased to provide this written response to the Australian Parliamentary Inquiry on Adult Literacy and its importance. ACED strongly believes that low adult literacy and numeracy levels have significant negative impact on the life and livelihoods of many Australians. As explained by the Parliamentary Committee Chair, Mr. Andrew Laming MP, ‘many adult Australians have poor literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills and this may limit their ability to participate fully in employment, education and training, and social and civic life.’ (Department of House Representatives, 2021). Introducing this inquiry Mr. Laming said, ‘The Committee is interested in hearing how measures to improve adult literacy can foster greater labour market participation, increased productivity, improved education outcomes for children, and improvements to individuals and to individual and community well-being.’ (Department of House Representatives, 2021).

Read the full ACED submission to The House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training

(Published: March 2021)


The High-level Political Forum (HLPF) 2020, auspiced by ECOSOC, was held on 7–16 July 2020. The HLPF is the central platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. ACED is part of the Education and Academia Stakeholder Group, one of the major groups of stakeholders (MGoS).

Read ACED HLPF media release.

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Civil Society Spotlight Report

The Asia Pacific Civil Society Spotlight Reports on SDG 4 prepared by ASPBAE and national education coalitions in 16 countries in the Asia-Pacific Region (including ACED) were launched during the side event on ‘Education to End Inequality and Promote Peace’ of the UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019, July 10 in New York.

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ACEDACED Acting Chair: Dorothy Lucardie



Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia