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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Adult education celebrates two key milestones

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It’s not often that a 21st birthday and a 50th birthday share a guest list, but today was no ordinary celebration for adult education in Wangaratta, or for Skills Minister Peter Hall.
Mr Hall and Member for Murray Valley Tim McCurdy joined 50th birthday celebrations at The Centre in Wangaratta, an organisation whose work helped pave the way for the creation of the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board, which is also celebrating 21 years of operation this month.

“Adult Community Education has helped change so many lives in Victoria; opening doors to employment and education for people from every background in our community for over half a century,” Mr Hall said.

“The Centre, thanks to work from the Wangaratta Arts Council and the Council of Adult Education in Melbourne, has been one of the leading lights of adult education provision in our state since it opened in 1962.”

Mr Hall said the landmark Edgar Report into community education in 1986 was the catalyst for the recognition of the adult community education sector. Over the next five years sweeping reforms culminated in the passing of the ACFE Act in October 1991 – 21 years ago this month – which created the ACFE Board.

“In 1986, The Edgar Report made a strong case for government support of adult education and pointed to the commitment of “local people (who) were very active without government assistance”, such as people at The Centre,” Mr Hall said.

“The 12-member ACFE Board, reflects the breadth and diversity of adult education in the community and its links with government and industry works to improve educational opportunities for adults in Victoria.”

To mark their anniversary, the ACFE Board has commissioned A Voice and Structure of its own: Community-based adult education in Victoria, 21 years with the ACFE Board – a publication that showcases all of ACFE’s accomplishments since its creation.

Mr McCurdy said 50 years of The Centre’s wonderful work in Wangaratta had also been captured with photographs taken over the decades, now on display from October 18 – 26.


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Adult Learning Australia