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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Who we are

Our Board

Kathleen Priestly
President (TAS)
Kathleen is the manager of 8 libraries in the NW & West of Tasmania. She has worked with government at all levels to develop policy for learning and to secure funding for opportunities. Her areas of interest are collaborative impact work, building learning communities, technology and helping individuals to see learning as a vehicle to improve their life circumstances. Kathleen has qualifications in General Education, Adult & Vocational Education, Adult Literacy & Library Services. She regularly advocates for learning & presents at conferences. She loves learning herself, being challenged & working collaboratively.
Professor Annette Foley
Vice President (VIC)
Annette is a Professor of Adult and Vocational Education at Federation University Australia. She has worked for over 30 years as an adult educator in TAFE, higher education, adult community education, and the private training sector. Before Annette commenced her academic role at FedUni she had first-hand experience as a TAFE manager and CEO in a VET/ACE and youth services organisation, where she worked in a regional community and liaised with industry, community and local government agencies to develop education and training programs for youth and older learners.
Dr Ron Wilson
Treasurer (VIC)
Ron has over 40 years experience in education and training as a teacher, principal and TAFE general manager. He has held Board roles including deputy chair, Adult Community and Further Education Board and president, Australasian Corrections Education Assoc. He has received an Australia Day Honour and Public Service medal for introducing VET to Victoria’s prison system. He recently released a book 'Joseph Akeroyd: Rediscovering a prison reformer'. He has a PhD in Mgt, MEd (Leadership and Mgt) and (Educational Research); BA (Social Sciences), BEd (PE), PG Dip Spec. Ed and Dip Teaching (Primary).
Isabel Osuna-Gatty
Secretary (SA)
Isabel is the recipient of the 2016 Australian Training Awards' Excellence in Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Practice. She has developed and implemented several local, state, and commonwealth-funded projects to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, people with disabilities, and individuals from multicultural backgrounds. Additionally, she worked as an external assessor and trainer for the SenaiNT English Language Centre in Timor Leste. Isabel has presented as a keynote speaker at various national and international conferences and webinars. Her community work was selected for exhibition at the 2019 Northern Territory Human Rights Awards. With Master's Degrees in Analytical Psychology and Social Work, a Graduate Diploma in Counselling, a Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language, a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, and the Foundation Skills in Vocational Practice Skill Set, her expertise extends to instructional design, writing specialized training resources, and developing assessment tools. Isabel also focuses on creating accessible and inclusive resources and spaces. Currently, Isabel works as a Mental Health Practitioner in private practice and is involved in various community-based projects aimed at improving lifelong learning, mental health, and wellbeing in multicultural and Aboriginal communities, as well as for people with disabilities. Additionally, she participates in literacy projects with RaPAL (Research and Practice in Adult Literacies), the only UK-wide organization that focuses on the role of literacies in adult life. She also serves as a Board Member of the South Australian Social Workers' Association and the SA Royal Life Saving Society.
Kirrily Loveday
Board member (TAS)
Kirrily has worked in urban and regional communities through Tasmania’s library literacy service, managing volunteer tutors, English language classes and non-accredited group learning. She is currently with TasTAFE managing the Foundations teaching team to provide state-wide accredited LLN learning for the community. She is on the Management Committee of the Tasmanian Council for Adult Literacy, the Steering Committee of the Reading Writing Hotline, works closely with 26TEN and is responsible for services within Tasmania’s Adult Learning Strategy.
Tim Catteral
Board member (NSW)
Tim is an experienced leader in the Not For Profit sector, with over eight years as a director on boards of independent schools, adult community colleges, and youth services providers. He has served as board Chair and Convenor of Finance and Risk Committees. Tim has held CEO roles at UNE Partnerships and Tamworth Community College, with a strong background in business development and government contracting. In the community colleges sector, he focused on addressing literacy and vocational training challenges, particularly in regional areas. He is now furthering his education in teaching literacy in adult and vocational education at CSU and TAS TAFE.
Ros Bauer
Board member (NSW)
Ros has extensive experience in adult education and leadership as a LLN practitioner and is currently Head of Department Career Pathways, Aboriginal Languages & Employability Skills at TAFE NSW. She was the winner of the 2013 Australian Training Awards Excellence in Adult LLN Practice and a recipient of an Executive Fellowship through the Australian Endeavour Awards; which included a professional learning experience in Scandinavia. She was part of the NT LLN Network Group and an educational consultant to the Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation.
Sally Brennan
Board member (VIC)
Sally has a long history in the ACE sector in both strategic and operational roles, including representing sector peak bodies with government at both state and national levels. She is an experienced board member, including the Adult Community and Further Education Board Board, and has post graduate qualifications in adult education. Sally currently works as an education consultant. Skilled in NFP organisations and working with government at all levels. Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Dr Robyn Ober
Board member (NT)
Dr. Robyn Ober is a Mamu/Djirribal woman from North Queensland and a respected researcher in Indigenous educational leadership and both-ways teaching and learning. Her doctoral work investigated identity and culture expressed in and through Aboriginal English. Dr Ober’s expertise has been called upon in numerous consultancies on education delivery, both-ways education, Indigenous research methodologies in the Northern Territory, national and international indigenous educational contexts.
Dr Piper Rodd
Board Member(Vic)
Dr. Piper Rodd is a Lecturer in the School of Education at Deakin University, Melbourne, specialising in social justice and critical pedagogy. Her research focuses on the sociology and history of education, especially regarding social class and social justice for post-compulsory education. With experience in school, TAFE, and university sectors, she critically examines educational systems and collaborates with community organisations. A committed unionist, she recently completed a three-year term as Branch President of the NTEU, improving conditions for university workers. She also chairs the Board of Future Connect, supporting education and employment in Melbourne's west.
Kerrie Akkermans
Board Member (SA)
Kerrie is the CEO of Community Centres South Australia with over 20 years of experience as a Board Director and C-suite executive in Not For Profit and Corporate sectors. She serves on the South Australian Training Skills Advisory Board and the national board for ANHCA. Passionate about adult education, she focuses on helping disadvantaged individuals access learning and life transition services. As a media broadcaster and podcast host, she can raise the profile of ALA’s work. Her qualifications in adult education, business management, and literacy foundation skills, along with her extensive network, support her advocacy for ALA's vision.
Assoc Prof Trace Ollis
Editor AJAL
Assoc Prof Trace Ollis is an Associate Professor of Adult Education has been the Principal Editor of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning since 2017. Tracey commenced her career in education as a teacher of community development in TAFE. Tracey’s research focuses on Adult Education in workplaces and lifelong learning in Adult & Community Education (ACE) and community settings. Tracey has held several leadership positions at Deakin University and is currently on the School of Education Executive as the Higher Degree by Research Coordinator, a position which oversees 160 PhD & Masters by research students. Her research is involved with epistemological, ontological and ethical understandings of practice and how this relates to adult learners. She has deployed case study and multiple case study methodologies in a range of adult learning, vocational learning, and professional learning contexts including her book on adult learning in the human rights industry, A Critical Pedagogy of Embodied Education: Learning to Become an Activist (Palgrave, 2012.) Tracey is currently a Co-chief Investigator (CI) with Associate Professor Annette Foley (FEDU) on a DET grant reviewing the pre-accredited training system in Victoria. She is CI on several research projects on lifelong learning in Neighbourhood Houses and transition pathways to higher education and an evaluation of the NHVIC learning & development project. She has published both nationally and internationally in the area of second chance learners, disengaged learners, adult community education and professional learning.

Our staff

Jenny Macaffer
Chief Executive Officer
Jenny has an extensive background in community development, social justice and social policy and planning. She has previously worked in local and state government and the not for profit sector. Jenny has been recognised for her commitment to health & wellbeing, human rights, and community place making through national and local awards such as the inaugural LGPRO award for community development. She holds qualifications in community cultural development, social sciences and the arts. Jenny believes that the creative arts and lifelong learning have a key role to play in engaging communities of all persuasions in self-determination and social change, and that a positive connection to nature is critical to our individual and collective wellbeing.
Sophie Arnold
Communications Coordinator
Sophie began her career as a journalist at The Age and other metropolitan media outlets before becoming a media adviser to the Victorian Government and former Premier, Joan Kirner. Sophie has run her own communications practice for more than two decades, providing services such as strategy development, media management, writing and editing. Sophie is President of the UN Association of Australia’s Victorian Division and a Director of CERES and the Fitzroy Football Club. She is a former Board member of WIRE-Women’s Information, the Melbourne Athenaeum Incorporated and the Thornbury Women’s Neighbourhood House.
Henrik Steenberg
Project Officer
Educator with more than 20 years of experience in teaching, coaching, online media, digital marketing.
Natalie Corrigan
Membership and Digital Engagement Officer
Natalie graduated from Deakin University with a bachelor’s degree in media & communications (journalism) before moving into the non-profit sector. Over the last six years, she has worked within the NDIS, as well as the alcohol and other drugs sector, creating meaningful content designed to educate and engage the broader community. Her work has been featured across Daily Life, Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) and more. She also co-created and hosts the podcast series ‘Benzo Stories’, which features guests with lived-experience of benzodiazepine dependence and aims to highlight the risks of long-term benzodiazepine usage.
Wendy Barnes
Finance Officer
Wendy is an experienced bookkeeper who has been employed in diverse fields of work over her working life. She is also a proud mother of her adult children and nanny to her young grandson. She considers herself very fortunate.
Sharmy Ramachandran
Project Manager and Business Development
Sharimllah (Sharmy) Devi Ramachandran has nearly 30 years of experience in teaching and learning in tertiary settings. Sharmy has held supervisory positions in various public, private, and not-for-profit educational institutions in Malaysia and Australia. Sharmy has a Bachelor’s and a Masters in Education, and a PhD in Knowledge management and Organisational culture in Higher Education, and she has published in international journals. She has a keen interest in lifelong learning and supporting learners achieve their educational outcomes.
Tracey Attard
I am a qualified accountant with a CPA and over 30 years of experience in accounting and management operations. I have worked in the manufacturing sector for 30 years, both for private and public companies. Recently, I moved into the nonprofit sector, working with both ALA and as the Operations Manager of three kindergartens. I am a proud mother of three teenage boys, who keep my husband and me busy and active.
Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia