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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Media release: ALA Welcomes Tasmanian Adult Learning Strategy

Adult Learning Australia (ALA) welcomes the recent release of the ‘Tasmanian Adult Learning Strategy – skills for work and life 2020-2023’ by the Minister for Education and Training, Jeremy Rockliff MP. The strategy provides support through lifelong learning for individuals, families and communities to improve their wellbeing and potential.

The adult learning sector has a significant role to play in positively contributing to the socio-economic status of the state of Tasmania.  It is encouraging to see the Tasmanian government working closely with expert organisations on the ground like 26TEN, TCAL, neighbourhood houses and other community organisations in developing and implementing the strategy.

Lifelong learning is key to reducing barriers to education and training, and adult learning is a key part of a strong lifelong learning ecosystem,’ says Jenny Macaffer, CEO, Adult Learning Australia. According to the last Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies study (2012) Tasmania has low levels of literacy in Australia, with more than half of the state’s population trying to get on top of digital, reading and writing skills.

The new funding announced will provide expansion of 26TEN’s model to deliver additional local services to lift literacy and numeracy levels for more Tasmanians in more locations, support volunteer tutors, establish an annual Adult Learning Ministerial Forum and develop a referral and support service (helpline) for adult learners through Libraries Tasmania. These initiatives will support the JobTrainer Fund. ALA believes that these steps will assist communities, households and individuals build confidence, actively participate in their own lives and be supported for work and life challenges in the future. ALA looks forward to contributing to the Ministerial Forum in 2021.

Download the Adult Learning Australia media release

Adult Learning Strategy 2020 -2023 Tasmanian Government

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Adult Learning Australia