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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

ALA forum: The transformative impact of literacy and learning programs for prisoners

About this session

Building futures – The transformative impact of literacy and learning programs for prisoners and former prisoners

Australia’s prison population has disproportionately low levels of language, literacy and numeracy skills, lower levels of educational attainment and higher levels of learning difficulties and learning disabilities than people in the general community. These factors compound social and economic disadvantage and are associated with higher rates of unemployment which is a risk factor for incarceration and for reoffending. (AIHW, 2019)

International research shows that adult education in prison and beyond can break the cycle of crime and incarceration. Adult education improves inmates’ chances of finding work, improves well-being and confidence and creates a sense of belonging in the community, all of which are linked to lower levels of offending. (Prisoners Education Trust, 2021)

This ALA online forum aims to provide a glimpse into the critical role of language, literacy and numeracy education in the criminal justice system. We bring together experts and good practice programs from around Australia to demonstrate how effective programs can change the lives of current and former prisoners.



Sally Brennan

Sally Brennan has a long history in the ACE sector in both strategic and operational roles, including representing sector peak bodies with government at both state and national levels.  She is an experienced board member, including on the ACFE Board, and has post-graduate qualifications in adult education. She currently works as an education consultant.



Key speaker

Ron Wilson

Ron is an experienced non-executive board member of the Adult Community and Further Education Board (ACFEB), currently the president of the Australasian Corrections Education Association (ACEA) and a board member of ALA.  His consultancy develops and conducts professional practice workshops whilst helping commercial and government agencies develop policies, programs and business strategies.

Ron was awarded the Public service Medal in 1996 Australia day honours for introducing VET in the state’s adult and youth corrections system. He is committed to lifelong learning and has a PhD in management, M Ed in educational leadership and management (including educational research).

Ron will provide a brief overview of the history of education in Corrections in Australia and the assumptions underpinning the rationale for education / LLN in corrections. He will also cover the relationship between LLN and theories of crime and criminality, discuss what is happening now and what is important for policy and practice in the future.


Panel: What are the particular challenges of working with incarcerated learners and what strategies have worked best?


Read Along Mums and Dads and other programs in the Loddon Prison Precinct (including Middleton) and Tarrengower Prison  – Lisa D’Onofrio (Victoria)

Read Along Dads and other literacy programs are administered through the Friends of Castlemaine Library (FOCAL) and funded Pip Wisdom  Community Corrections grants and the Victorian Legal Services Board.

Lisa D’Onofrio has worked in literature-based community arts for over 30 years, both in the UK and Australia. She has run creative and social literacy programs in prisons for nearly a decade




Literacy Programs, Risdon Prison –  Iona Johnson, Literacy Coordinator (Tasmania)

Iona Johnson has worked as a Literacy Co-ordinator for the Libraries Tasmania Literacy Service for over 4 years. She works in Risdon Prison to provide opportunities for prisoners to engage in learning to improve their literacy and numeracy. Iona has a background in social services, training and education and has a strong focus on best practice in her work with prisoners. She has experience in developing engagement projects for the cohort to find what works to attract and engage prisoners in learning. She works closely with the accredited training providers in prison education to build solid literacy support for prisoners and to plan for ongoing learning pathways for prisoners exiting prison.


Radio WKRP, Kimberley Prison Radio Training –  Bekah O’Meara (Western Australia)

Bekah teaches media at West Kimberley Prison education campus as part of the WKRP Radio show on 6DBY Larrkardi Radio in Derby . In 2018 Bekah won the Best Training and Professional Development Award at the First Nations Media Australia Awards.










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Article 96 of 149 articles in the category of Recorded sessions
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Adult Learning Australia