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Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Lifelong learning for
a fairer Australia

Australian Journal of Adult Learning member library


Volume 64, Number 1, April 2024

Refereed articles

  • Multimodal adult learning through arts-based organisations
    Susan M. Holloway and Patricia A. Gouthro
  • Recognising the Budj Bim cultural landscape as World Heritage: How a socio-material approach bridged the tangible-intangible heritage gap
    Tony Brown 
  • PD: a professional deterrence? The financial cost and time commitment of professional development for VET practitioners in Western Australia
    Christopher Ward and Piper Rodd
  • Empowering Saudi women through vocational skills
    Sarah M. Alajlan and Obaidalah H. Aljohani
  • Supporting students who are parents to succeed in Australian higher education
    Giovanna Szalkowicz and Lisa Andrewartha

From practice

  • Advising senior management leaders on the doctoral research journey by applying traditional adult learning practices for industry contexts
    Barry Elsey

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Volume 64, Number 1, April 2024


Volume 63, Number 3, November 2023

Refereed articles

  • Analysing work and life course learning under capitalism using a mind in political economy approach Peter Sawchuck
  • Workplace practices that support learning across working life Sarojni Choy and Anh Hai Le
  • Promoting student readiness for work-life through internships: Challenges and support Natasha Tan, Chue Shien, Cheryl Ong and Stephen Billett
  • Social participation, altruism and learning opportunism: A phenomenography of adults’ learning through workplace experiences in rural community volunteering Catherine Arden
  • Adult learners in police and technology work in Finland: Andragogical features behind learning at work Soila Lemmetty, Kaisu Hämäläinen and Kaija Collin
  • Vocational learning of incident commanders in tunnel fire safety work Gabriela Bjørnsen and Ove Njå
  • Specialists’ views on feedback at the medical workplace Helen Jossberger and Miriama Schlachtová
  • The experiences of doctoral students working in university settings Emine Karaduman, Rukiye Bektas and Ozlem Unluhisarcikli
  • Exploring the effects of working practice in cultivating Chinese university teachers’ professional identity Chunlin Yao and Jie Yang

Book reviews

  • Map it: The hands-on guide to strategic training design – By Cathy Moore Reviewed by Lexi Keeton

Call for Papers

  • Power, policies, and practices in adult literacies

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Volume 63, Number 3, November 2023


Volume 63, Number 2, July 2023

Refereed articles

  • Why some homogeneous adult learning groups may be necessary for encouraging diversity: A theory of conditional social equality Helene Ahl, Joel Hedegaard and Barry Golding
  • Post-school dilemmas in diminished society: Workingclass mothers’ perspectives of choices and realities in their communities Piper Rodd and Kerrie Sanders
  • Doing and supervising China Studies PhD projects in Australia: Experiences of Chinese PhD students and Australian supervisors Jian Xu and Wai-wan Vivien Chan
  • Self-authored motivations of US adult basic education English learners Jennifer Ouellette-Schramm
  • Cultural participation patterns of prospective teachers in the context of informal learning Peri Tutar

Book reviews

  • Transformative teaching and learning in further education: Pedagogies of hope and social justice – By Rob Smith and Vicky Duckworth Reviewed by Margaret Malloch
  • Online teaching and learning in higher education during COVID-19 – By Roy Chan, Krishna Bista and Ryan Allen Reviewed by Lei Xia

Online Forum

  • Adult learning education on climate justice Wednesday, 20 September 2023

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Volume 63, Number 2, July 2023

Volume 63, Number 1, April 2023

Refereed articles

  • Whack-a-Mole?: Ecologies of young adults with intellectual disabilities as they transition from school to open employment Donna Rooney and Kirsty Young
  • Travelling in time via narration: Three types of biographical learning Katarina Rozvadská
  • Learning in multicultural workspaces Robert Godby
  • Adult immigration learners’ perspectives of their language experience Merih Ugurel Kamisli

Book review

  • Shoulder to shoulder: Broadening the Men’s Shed movement – By Barry Golding Reviewed by Ursula Harrison

Online Forum

  • Adult learning education on climate justice Wednesday, 20 September 2023

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Volume 63, Number 1, April 2023


Volume 62, Number 3, November 2022 Special edition: Adult learning education for climate action

Refereed articles

  • Towards an emergent curriculum for climate justice adult educators/activists Shirley Walters, Astrid von Kotze, Joy K. P. O’Neil, Jane Burt, Colette February and Darlene Clover
  • The affective dimension of crisis subjects: Teaching environmental communication through intersecting crisis Tania Leimbach, Jennifer Kent and Jeremy Walker
  • The craft of wisdom: Climate activist learning in the hands of Australia’s Knitting Nannas Larraine Larri
  • Gesturing not acting: Searching for policy guidance for Australian climate educators Hilary Whitehouse and Annette Gough

From practice

  • A climate education to Chinese adult learners in an English class with a project based learning method Chunlin Yao
  • From activism, through academia into deep adaptation Piotr Kowzan
  • Learning to change: Climate action pedagogy Tania Leimbach and Tema Milstein


  • Climate movements, learning and the politics of climate action in Australia Robert B. Stevenson

Book review

  • Annotation – By Remi Kalir & Antory Garcia Reviewed by Meg Colasante
  • Transformational feminist politics, education and social justice: Post democracy and post truth – By Silvia Edling & Sheila Macrine (Eds.) Reviewed by Jennifer Caligari

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Volume 62, Number 3, November 2022

Volume 62, Number 2, July 2022

  • Common sense and police practice: It goes without saying Cheryl Ryan
  • First-year university retention and academic performance of nontraditional students entering via an Australian pre-university enabling program Joanne G. Lisciandro
  • Survival narratives from single mothers in an enabling program: ‘Just hope you don’t get sick and live off caffeine’ Anne Braund, Trixie James, Katrina Johnston and Louise Mullaney
  • COVID–19 the Catalyst for a new paradigm in vocational education and training Susan Bandias, Rajeev Sharma and Alana Anderson
  • The role of Learning Neighborhood Programme in achieving the necessary life skills for adult learners in Saudi Arabia to confront the COVID-19 crisis Obaidalah Aljohani and Sarah M. Alajlan

Book review

  • Out of the ruins: The emergence of radical informal learning spaces –   by Robert H Haworth & John M Elmore (editors). Reviewed by Meaghan O’Brien

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Volume 62, Number 2, July 2022

Volume 62, Number 1, April 2022

  • A gendered therapeutic learning landscape: Responding creatively to a pandemic Annette Folely, Helen Weadon, Sharon McDonough and Rachel Taylor
  • Lifelong learning and adult education in Japan Anh Le and Stephen Billett
  • Maximising PBL in police education: Why understanding the facilitator role is a key factor in developing learning for police problem-solving Brett Shipton
  • Transforming adult learners: The experiences of participating in the second chance education program Omar Keita and Ya-Hui Lee
  • Education as change: Liberation from mental illness and self-stigma in favour of empowerment Joel Hedegaard and Martin Hugo

Book review

  • Studies in expansive learning: Learning what is not yet there – By Yrjö Engeström Reviewed by Stuart Hawken
  • Justice and the politics of difference – By Iris Marion Young Reviewed by Cheryl Ryan

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Volume 62, Number 1, April 2022  


Volume 61, Number 3, November 2021


  • Education as the practice of freedom Fergal Finnegan, Peter Lavender & Alan Tuckett with Trace Ollis


  • Surf on Pauliño Budd Hall

Refereed articles

  • A historical remembrance of Paulo Freire in South Africa: A tale of two activists John Aitchinson & Veronica Irene McKay
  • Our homeland is humanity: The Cuban School of Literacy and Pedagogy of the Oppressed Bob Boughton & Deborah Durnan
  • Revisiting Freire Griff Foley
  • Becoming an activist-scholar through Pedagogy of the Oppressed: An autoethnographic account of engaging with Freire as a teacher and researcher Helen Underhill
  • Annunciation and denunciation in Paulo Freire’s dialogical popular education Linden West

From the field

  • Literacy and transformation: Shedding of spoilt identities Vicky Duckworth & Marie McNamara

Letters to those who dare to teach: Another world is possible

  • Paulo Freire: A necessary voice Sergio Haddad
  • The critical power of Freire’s work Licínio C. Lima
  • Letters to those who dare teach: Another world is possible Paul Gurton
  • A RED-letter day Tony Davis

Book review

  • Socially just pedagogies: Posthumanist, feminist and materialist perspectives in higher education – Vivienne Bozalek, Rosi Braidotti, Tamara Shefer and Michalinos Zembylas (eds.) Reviewed by Natalie Purves

Call for papers

  • Adult learning education for climate action Hilary Whitehouse & Bob Stevenson

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Volume 61, Number 3, November 2021

Volume 61, Number 2, July 2021

Featured article

  • Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for lifelong learning Henrique Lopes & Veronica Irene McKay

Refereed articles

  • The Women’s Shed movement: Scoping the field internationally Barry Golding, Lucia Carragher & Annette Foley
  • Echoes of the Grand Tour: Shared international experiences in nursing education George Lafferty & Francis Lyn
  • Becoming a social entrepreneur: Individual and collective learning in communities of practice Morteza Eslahchi & Ali Osman
  • A deep active learning approach to exploring young adults’ learning in a picture book elective Nini Zhang, Huijun Zhao & Karen Guo
  • Learning to change: Transformative outcomes of participation in programs and activities among family caregivers of people with dementia in Taiwan Chia-Ming Yen
  • The influential factors of university teachers’ lifelong learning in professional development Hongyan Zhou & Chia-Ching Tu

Book reviews

  • Educating the deliberate professional: Preparing for future practices – Franziska Trede & Celina McEwen (eds.) Reviewed by Cheryl Ryan
  • Learning in work: A negotiation model of socio-personal learning – Raymond Smith Reviewed by Marg Malloch

Issue download

Volume 61, Number 2, July 2021

Volume 61, Number 1, April 2021

  • Psychological distress among students in enabling education. Johanna Nieuwoudt
  • Try before you buy: Using enabling programs to negotiate the risks of higher education. Lynn Jarvis
  • Factors likely to sustain a mature-age student to completion of their doctorate. Robert Templeton
  • Guaranteed Minimum Income and Universal Basic Income programs: Implications for adult education. Juan Ramón Rodríguez-Fernández & Spyros Themelis
  • In search of biographical ageing – a research-based concept. Małgorzata Malec-Rawiński

Book review

  • Research methods for social justice and equity in education – Liz Atkins and Vicky Duckworth (2020) Reviewed by Peter Lavender

Issue download Volume 61, Number 1, April 2021


Volume 60, Number 3, November 2020

  • Getting serious: The national ‘vision splendid’ for adult education 60 years on
    Barry Golding
  • Educating Australian adults in an era of social and economic change
    Stephen Billet & Darryl Dymock
  • Esmonde Higgins and the lost history of Australian adult education Bob Boughton
  • Sixty years of adult learning in Aotearoa New Zealand: Looking back to the 1960s and beyond the 2020s Diana Amundsen
  • Practice in the social space of Neighbourhood Houses: Community, relationships and adult learning Ursula Harrison, Tracey Ollis & Cheryl Ryan
  • Wyndham City: A tale of steady progress towards a sustainable learning community Leone Wheeler & Diane Tabbagh
  • Community learning through adversity and disaster: An Australian case study of rural adaptation and resilience beyond paid work Barry Golding, Annette Foley & Helen Weadon
  • Adult Learning Australia history timeline: Sixty year ALA history, including the broader Australian adult and community education (ACE) context
    Barry Golding

Issue download Volume 60, Number 3, November 2020

Volume 60, Number 2, July 2020

  • Maestras: Exploring dialectical relationships in an Aboriginal literacy campaign
    Frances Williamson, Deborah Durnan, Tannia Edwards & Mary Waites
  • How positive is positive psychology in an enabling program?
    Trixie James & Vikki Walters
  • Support matters: Predictors of intrinsic motivation in older learners in Taiwan
    Yi-Yin Lin
  • Emerging adulthood and its effect on adult education
    David Meier
  • Developing a case-based experiential learning model at a program level in a regional university: Reflections on the developmental process
    Tejaswini Patil, Michelle Hunt, Kimberlea Cooper & Rob Townsend
  • Promoting quality learning and teaching pedagogy: Evaluating a targeted localised academic induction program (AIP) for the impact on continuing professional development Sara Weuffen, Tulsa Andrews & Kate Roberts
  • Adult community education: Australian environmental scan
    Adult Learning Australia

Issue download Volume 60, Number 2, July 2020

Volume 60, Number 1, April 2020

  • An age of endarkenment? Can adult education still make a difference? Tony Brown
  • A vocational stream for social care workers: A case study Sally Thompson
  • Transformative learning through mindfulness: Exploring the mechanism of change Thomas Howard Morris
  • Misconceptions in the knowledge of vocational fitness students and graduates Daniel J Jolley, Melissa Davis and Andrew P Lavender
  • Opportunities for change: What factors influence non-traditional students to enrol in higher education? Deanna McCall, Deborah Western and Melissa Petrakis
  • Making the intangible, tangible: Assessment design that fosters curiosity, confidence and collaboration during international short-term study tours for Australian students Mark William Pennings, Debra Flanders Cushing, Rafael Gomez and Clare Dyson

Issue download Volume 60, Number 1, April 2020  


Volume 59, Number 3, November 2019

  • Close, yet so far apart: Bridging social movement theory with popular education
  • Learning by participating in social movements: Ethnographic research in Madrid (Spain)
  • Here we stand: The pedagogy of Occupy Wall Street
  • Learning in social movements: Emotion, identity and Egyptian diaspora becoming ‘logically and emotionally invested’ in the continuing struggle
  • Reconceptualising activism for a pedagogy of struggle: Occupying education, the power of the empty signifier for the future of education
  • Student voice and agency for Indigenous Māori students in higher education transitions
  • Exploring the power of the media in promoting lifelong learning and popular mobilisation drive against ‘Galamsey’ in Ghana

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Volume 59, Number 3, November 2019


Volume 59, Number 2, July 2019

  • Interactivity, connectedness and ‘teacher-presence’: Engaging and retaining students online
  • A picture paints a thousand words: Collage-making in higher education problem-based learning
  • Adult learning: Barriers and enablers to advancement in Canadian power engineering
  • Adult learners’ needs in online and blended learning viewed through the lens of existence, relatedness and growth (ERG) theory
  • Horse talk: Equine based learning programs and their engagement with individuals
  • Psychological bases of developing social competences of seniors with disability

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Volume 59, Number 2, July 2019


Volume 59, Number 1, April 2019

  • Are we all on course? A curriculum mapping comparison of three Australian university open-access enabling programs
  • Nannagogy: Social movement learning for older women’s activism in the gas fields of Australia
  • The need for a complexity informed active citizenship education program
  • Learning to deal with freedom and restraints: Elderly women’s experiences of their husbands visiting a Men’s Shed
  • Generativity and life satisfaction of active older people: Advances (keys) in education perspective
  • Case study on Chinese adult learners’ English acquisition in a blended learning environment

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Volume 59, Number 1, April 2019


Volume 58, Number 1, April 2018

  • Enabling learners starts with knowing them: Student attitudes, aspiration and anxiety towards science and maths learning in an Australian pre-university enabling program
  • What should be considered when designing and developing a counselling course for adults from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds?
  • Informal workplace learning experiences of graduate student employees
  • Enhancing e-learning in old age
  • Music learning for fun and wellbeing at any age!

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Volume 58, Number 1, April 2018


Volume 58, Number 2, July 2018

  • Women, adult literacy education and transformative bonds of care
  • Women and/or immigrants: A feminist reading on the marginalised adult learners in Korean lifelong learning policy and practice
  • Transitioning from VET to HE in hospitality and tourism studies: VET grades as an indicator of performance in HE
  • A new education pathway for postgraduate psychology students: Challenges and opportunities
  • It pays to prepare: The value of low-stakes tutorial preparation exercises to student performance
  • Critical reflection in the workplace and management competencies: In service of transformation?

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Volume 58, Number 2, July 2018


Volume 58, Number 3, November 2018

  • Lifelong learning: An organising principle for reform
  • University engagement in achieving sustainable development goals: A synthesis of case studies from the SUEUAA study
  • The role of fairy tales in affective learning: Enhancing adult literacy and learning in FE and community settings
  • Literacy, lifelong learning and sustainable development
  • Achieving sustainable development goals through adult informal learning
  • Learning across the lifespan: Lifelong learning in Neighbourhood Houses in Australia
  • How a blended learning environment in adult education promotes sustainable development in China
  • Achieving LLL with the Sustainable Development Goals: What is needed to get things done?

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Volume 58, Number 3, November 2018


Volume 57, Number 1, April 2017

  • Second chance learning in Neighbourhood Houses in Victoria
  • Second chance education: barriers, supports and engagement strategies
  • Insights into attrition from university-based enabling programs
  • Just another student survey? – Point-of-contact survey feedback enhances the student  experience and lets researchers gather data
  • Integrated non-formal education and training programs and centre linkages for adult employment in South Africa
  • On the borders of Pedagogy: Implementing a critical pedagogy for students on the Thai Burma Border
  • Analysis of an organisation: U3A Mornington, Victoria

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Volume 57, Number 1, April 2017

Volume 57, Number 2, July 2017

  • Bringing together learning from two worlds: Lessons from a gender-inclusive community education approach with smallholder farmers in Papua New Guinea
  • ‘The trails to get there’: Experiences of attaining higher education for Igorot Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines
  • Adult offenders’ perceptions of rehabilitation  programs in Africa
  • Experiences of bridging program students  at a regional satellite campus
  • Gender differences in online participation: Examining a History and a Mathematics Open Foundation online course
  • A reflection on continuing professional education research

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Volume 57, Number 2, July 2017

Volume 57, Number 3, November 2017

  • How the Men’s Shed idea travels to Scandinavia
  • Lifelong learning in policy and practice: The case of Sweden
  • Opportunities for generatively in later life for older men
  • The engagement of universities in older adult education in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Constructing narratives in later life: Autoethnography beyond the academy
  • Intergenerational exchange of knowledge, skills, values and practices between self-organised active citizens in Maribor, Slovenia
  • Ageing and learning experiences: The perspective of a Polish senior immigrant in Sweden
  • Fifty years of learning by older adults in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Learning for older adults in Portugal: Universities of the Third Age in a state of change
  • Learning to live with chronic illness in later life: Empowering myself
  • Occupational and educational biographies of older workers and their participation in further education in Germany
  • Mā te ora ka mōhio / ‘Through life there is learning’

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Volume 57, Number 3, November 2017


Volume 56, Number 1, April 2016

  • Opening the learning process: the potential role of film in teaching employment relations
  • A survey on the influence of titles on the visitor’s interpretation and learning in art galleries: An Iranian context
  • Learning to swim using video modelling and video feedback within a self-management program
  • Unlocking the potential within: A preliminary study of individual and community outcomes from a university enabling program in regional Australia
  • University-based enabling program outcomes: comparing distance education and internal study
  • Formative reflections of university recreation science students in South Africa as catalyst for an adapted service-learning program

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Volume 56, Number 1, April 2016

Volume 56, Number 2, July 2016

  • Opportunity through online learning: Experiences of first-in-family students in online open-entry higher education
  • University transition challenges for first year domestic CALD students from refugee backgrounds: a case study from an Australian regional university
  • OnTrack to university: Understanding mechanisms of student retention in an Australian pre-university enabling program
  • Staying Power: The effect of pathway into university on student achievement and attrition
  • The juxtaposition of STEPS to the undergraduate arena: The lived experience of transitioning into undergraduate study
  • Transformative learning challenges in a context of trauma and fear: An educator’s story

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Volume 56, Number 2, July 2016

Volume 56, Number 3, November 2016

  • A farmer becomes a social pedagogue: A psycho-societal approach
  • The meanings of learning as described by Polish migrant bloggers
  • Emotional highs in adult experiential learning
  • Contemporary constructivist practices in higher education settings and academic motivational factors
  • Group work oral participation: Examining Korean students’ adjustment process in a US university
  • Reasons for the slow completion of Masters and Doctoral degrees by adult learners in a South African township
  • Is society capable of learning?Beyond a metaphysical foundation

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Volume 56, Number 3, November 2016


Volume 55, Number 1, April 2015

    • Putting transformative learning theory into practice
    • Self-advocacy and its impacts for adults with developmental disabilities
    • Connecting in rhizomic spaces: Peer-assisted learning (PAL) and e-learning in teacher education
    • Targeting assessment for developing adult lifelong learners: Assessing the ability to commit
    • The quest for authenticity: A study of an online discussion forum and the needs of adult learners
    • Epistemological development and critical thinking in post-secondary
  • 1974–1976: The seeds of longevity in a pathway to tertiary participation at University of Newcastle, NSW
  • Learning cities on the move

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Volume 55, Number 1, April 2015

Volume 55, Number 2, July 2015

  • Developing and using green skills for the transition to a low carbon economy
  • Adult education and radical habitus in an environmental campaign: Learning in the coal seam gas protests in Australia
  • Assessing the Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign: A developmental evaluation
  • What are the key ingredients for an effective and successful tertiary enabling program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students? An evaluation of the evolution of one program
  • Listening to hear: Critical allies in Indigenous Studies
  • Work-based researchers and Communities of Practice: Conceptual and gestational dilemmas
  • Motivating and enabling adult learners to develop research skills
  • The meaning of learning on the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage
  • Book Review: Men learning through life, by Barry Golding, Rob Mark and Annette Foley (Eds.)

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Volume 55, Number 2, July 2015

Volume 55, Number 3, November 2015

  • A space for memory
  • Memories in Motion
  • Visual Communication Design as a form of public pedagogy
  • Reaching for the arts in unexpected places: public pedagogy in the gardens
  • Protest music as adult education and learning for social change: a theorisation of a public pedagogy of protest music
  • “Come in and look around.” Professional development of student teachers through public pedagogy in a library exhibition
  • Older adult education: new public pedagogy in 21st century Taiwan
  • Literacy mediation in neighbourhood houses
  • Remaking education from below: the Chilean student movement as public pedagogy
  • Book Review: Problematizing Public Pedagogy by Jake Burdick, Jennifer A. Sandlin and Michael P. O’Malley (Eds.)

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Volume 55, Number 3, November 2015


Volume 54 / Number 1 / April 2014

  • What’s politics got to do with it? ‘Power’ as a ‘threshold’ concept for undergraduate business students
  • Learning and leadership: Evaluation of an Australian rural leadership program
  • Willing and enabled: The academic outcomes of a tertiary enabling program in regional Australia
  • The use of peer assessment in a regional Australian university tertiary bridging course
  • Case studies in e-RPL and e-PR
  • Improving the quality of student experience in large lectures using quick polls

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Volume 54, Issue 1, March 2014

Volume 54 / Number 2 / July 2014

  • Diversity and achievement: Is success in higher education a transformative experience?
  • How a personal development program enhances social connection and mobilises women in the community
  • Teacher professional learning communities: Going beyond contrived collegiality toward challenging debate and collegial learning and professional growth
  • Expectations and reality: What you want is not always what you get
  • Identifying tertiary bridging students at risk of failure in the first semester of undergraduate study
  • Educational biographies in Germany: From secondary school general education to lifelong learning?
  • Do actions and methods in guidance for older workers exist in Spain?
  • Book Review – Reflections on learning, life and work: Completing doctoral studies in mid and later life and career, Maureen Ryan (ed.), Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2012

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Volume 54, Issue 2, July 2014

Volume 54 / Number 3 / November 2014

  • Continuous learning and its social organisation for engineers: An exploratory study in China
  • Developing a qualifications structure for the finance services industry in Malaysia and beyond
  • How can the expansion of the apprenticeship system in India create conditions for greater equity and social justice?
  • Policy and barriers related to implementing adult e-learning in Taiwan
  • Staying in a certain state of mind: becoming and being a freelance adult educator in Singapore
  • Book review – Adult Education in Changing Times: Policies, philosophies and professionalism
  • Book review – What did you learn at work today? The forbidden lessons of labor education

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Volume 54, Issue 3, November 2014


Volume 53, Issue 1, November 2013

  • Recruiting and retaining learners in workplace literacy programs in New Zealand John Benseman
  • Meeting diverse expectations: Department of Tutorial Classes, Sydney University, 1919 to 1963 Darryl Dymock and Ann Kelly
  • ‘Trying to keep up’: The experience of combining full-time VET with work Michelle Morris
  • Engaging in continuing education and training: Learning preferences of worker-learners in the health and community services industry Sarojni Choy, Stephen Billett and Ann Kelly
  • Time, money, leisure and guilt – the gendered challenges of higher education for mature-age students Cathy Stone and Sarah O’Shea
  • The ‘double-edged sword’ of the adult learning environment Sara Murray and Jane Mitchell
  • Learning and guidance for older workers in Europe Pamela M. Clayton, Silvana Greco and Maria Jose Lopez Sanchez
  • The twenty-first century university and the concept of lifelong learning Sasa Milic

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Volume 53, Issue 1, April 2013

Volume 53, Issue 2, November 2013

  • Using grass roots community programs as an anti-extremism strategy Robyn Broadbent
  • A learner perspective on barriers to e-learning Karen Becker, Cameron Newton, and Sukanlaya Sawang
  • Effectively teaching diverse student groups: a reflection on teaching and learning strategies Kathryn Trees
  • Humanities education as a pathway for women in regional and rural Australia: Clemente Ballarat Ann Gervasoni, Jeremy Smith, and Peter Howard
  • Predictors of attrition and achievement in a tertiary bridging program Robert Whannell
  • A case study of a volunteer-based literacy class with adults with developmental disabilities Jacqueline Lynch
  • Abridged too far? Credit transfer: Examining the transition process from TAFE to University Theresa Millman
  • Outside the box: The Danish Folkehojskole as educational innovator John Collins

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Volume 53, Issue 2, July 2013

Volume 53, Issue 3, November 2013

  • Older undergraduate students bringing years of experience to university studies: Highlights, challenges and contributions
  • Ready for action and civic engagement: Resilient third age women learners in rural Australia
  • Learning a new lifestyle
  • Literacy strategies used by adults with intellectual disability in negotiating their everyday community environments
  • Tertiary study: Barriers and benefits for health and human services professionals
  • Exploring how short-term overseas study programs impact students’ personal growth
  • The WEA in Australia 1913 – 2013
  • Adult Education Conferences in 2013
  • Book review – Popular education, power and democracy: Swedish experiences and contributions, Ann-Marie Laginder, Henrik Nordvall and Jim Crowther (eds.), NIACE: Leicester 2013.

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Volume 53, Issue 3, November 2013


Volume 52, Issue 1, November 2012

  • Teaching practice in the making: Shaping and reshaping the field of adult language, literacy and numeracy teaching
  • Investigating the influence of a teacher on academic self-efficacy and study behaviour of students in a tertiary bridging program
  • Educational and cultural challenges of bicultural adult immigrant and refugee students in Australia
  • Diabetes literacy: Health and adult literacy practitioners in partnership
  • Cultural codes as catalysts for collective conscientisation in environmental adult education: Mr. Floatie, tree squatting and save-our-surfers
  • Mathematics funds of knowledge: Sotmaute and Sermaute fish in a Torres Strait Islander community
  • Knowledge management systems and open innovation in second tier UK universities
  • Adult language, literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills in the workplace
  • The adult learner may really be a neglected species

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Volume 52, Issue 1, April 2012

Volume 52, Issue 2, July 2012

  • Exploring relationships in education: A phenomenological inquiry
  • Popular education in times of societal transformation—A Swedish perspective
  • Mid-career extension graduates’ perceptions of the impact of a demand-driven extension curriculum in Ghana
  • The interrelatedness of formal, non-formal and informal learning: Evidence from labour market program participants
  • Adults engaged in lifelong learning in Taiwan: Analysis by gender and socioeconomic status
  • Lifelong learning in German learning cities/regions
  • Learning cities as healthy green cities: Building sustainable opportunity cities
  • Living and learning in EcCoWell cities
  • Flexible models for learning English are needed for refugee mothers

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Volume 52, Issue 2, July 2012

Volume 52, Issue 3, April 2012

  • Introduction: Why food? Why pedagogy? Why adult education?
  • School food and the pedagogies of parenting
  • Throw your napkin on the floor: Authenticity, culinary tourism, and a pedagogy of the senses
  • A critical race and class analysis of learning in the organic farming movement
  • Food pedagogies in Japan: From the implementation of the Basic Law on Food Education to Fukushima
  • Pedagogies of doing good: Problematisations, authorities, technologies and teleologies in food activism
  • Educational alternatives in food production, knowledge and consumption: The public pedagogies of Growing Power and Tsyunhehkw
  • When traditions become innovations and innovations become traditions in everyday food pedagogies
  • ‘Savoir fare’: Are cooking skills a new morality?

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Volume 52, Issue 3, November 2012


Volume 51, Issue 1, April 2011

  • International vocational education and training—The migration and learning mix
  • Occupational mobility in Queensland’s Aged Care, Automotive and Civil Construction sectors
  • The role of cultural structure in continuing vocational training: A study on auto repairmen in Turkey
  • Visy Cares Hub—A partnership in community learning
  • ‘I feel like I’m being hit from all directions’: Enduring the bombardment as a mature age learner returning to formal learning
  • Secondary level re-entry of young adult learners: A case study
  • Older adults’ training courses: Considerations for course design and the development of learning materials

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Volume 51, Issue 1, April 2011

Volume 51, Issue 2, April 2011

  • Centres ‘Down Under’: Mapping Australia’s neighbourhood centres and learning
  • Leisure activities as a source of informal learning for older people: The role of community-based organisations
  • Learning in social action: The informal and social learning dimensions of circumstantial and lifelong activists
  • The educative role of a regional newspaper: Learning to be drier
  • Corporate sector practice informs online workforce training for Australian government agencies: Towards effective educational‑learning systems design
  • Friendship and relationships in virtual and intercultural learning: Internationalising the business curriculum
  • Informal learning in the workplace: A review of the literature
  • Brothers Inside: Fathering workshops with Aboriginal prisoners

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Volume 51, Issue 2, July 2011

Volume 51, Issue 3, April 2011

  • Adults’ participation in informal learning activities: Key findings from the adult education participation survey in Taiwan
  • Role reversal: Educators in an enabling program embark on a journey of critical self-reflection
  • Promoting literacy for adults with intellectual disabilities in a community-based service organisation
  • Utopian scenario sketching: An imaginal pedagogy for life giving civilisation
  • Learning to manage: Transformative outcomes of competency based training
  • Learning about health
  • Time and meaning in later-life learning
  • Principles and practices of mature age education at U3As
  • Barriers to adult learning: Bridging the gap

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Volume 51, Issue 3, November 2011

Volume 51, Issue 4, April 2011

  • Through the looking glass: adult education through the lens of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning over fifty years
  • All over, red rover? The neglect and potential of Australian adult education in the community
  • Authenticity through reflexivity: connecting teaching philosophy and practice
  • Recognition of prior learning (RPL): can intersubjectivity and philosophy of recognition support better equity outcomes?
  • Scheherazade’s secret: the power of stories and the desire to learn
  • Communities of practice in a voluntary youth organisation: reaching for the sky and building social capital
  • Launching a career or reflecting on life? Reasons, issues and outcomes for candidates undertaking PhD studies mid-career or after retirement compared to the traditional early career pathway
  • The learning projects of rural third age women: enriching a valuable community resource
  • Is the use of video conferencing and supporting technologies a feasible and viable way to woo farmers back into farmer education?
  • Arnold Hely and Australian adult education
  • Art, disability, learning and the dance of my life
  • Looking forward: Community Gateways at Victoria University

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Volume 51, Issue 4, December 2011 (Special Issue)


Volume 50, Issue 1, November 2010

  • The learning society: Two justifications
  • Diverse pathways into higher education: Using students’ stories to identify transformative experiences
  • The big picture on men’s (and boys’) learning
  • Taking risks—Experiential learning and the writing student
  • Recognition of prior learning—Normative assessment or co-construction of preferred identities?
  • Training and development for transitional employment in mature aged manual workers
  • Effective employment-based training models for childcare workers
  • Becoming an Australian citizen: Some dimensions of assessing a citizenship-type literacy amongst adults
  • The powerful and the powerless: Unwritten rules

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Volume 50, Issue 1, April 2010

Volume 50, Issue 2, November 2010

  • Adult learning in educational tourism
  • Shall we dance? The story of the Radiance Dance Project
  • Literacy practitioners’ perspectives on adult learning needs and technology approaches in Indigenous communities
  • Pathway for student self-development: A learning orientated internship approach
  • Using appreciative inquiry to explore the professional practice of a lecturer in higher education: Moving towards life-centric practice
  • Approaches to the postgraduate education of business coaches
  • Challenges in aligning workplace learning with business goals: A perspective from HRD professionals in New Zealand
  • Formal and informal learning opportunities in government organisations: Experiences of public sector employees from six Asian nations
  • Study circles and the dialogue to change program
  • Training, OD, L&D, HRD—What’s in a name?

Issue download

Volume 50, Issue 2, July 2010

Volume 50, Issue 3, November 2010

  • Skilling Australians: lessons from World War II national workforce development programs
  • Teaching adult education history in a time of uncertainty and hope
  • Diversity and excellence: prompts from the history of the tertiary education sector
  • Recollections on the Association over five decades
  • Agenda for a national association
  • Agenda for a national association … 50 years on
  • The international importance of a national association
  • National and international associations … 50 years on
  • An experiment in method
  • Significant adult education artefacts
  • Journal objectives over 50 years

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Volume 50, Issue 3, November 2010











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Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia